I do not hesitate. I gesture at the door. “Free us.”

Set’nef nods and taps another two fingers upon the box. It makes a burbling sound that reminds me of the Elders Cave, and then the cage clicks open.


The urge to race through the bars and into the open air hits me hard. The dark, hungry need to push past Set’nef and just keep going. I did not realize until this moment how much I have hated being trapped underground, but I must think of R’slind first. I move to my mate’s side and gently touch her cheek. She has not awakened despite the conversation with Set’nef, and I am concerned that she sleeps far too heavily. The sickness must be affecting her, but I cannot let Set’nef realize this, or he will not agree to help us. “Wake, my R’slind.”

When she does not stir, I tap her cheek a little harder. Her eyes slide open, slightly glassy, and she gives me a little smile. “Oh. Hi, R’jaal. Gotta admit, I prefer the other method of waking up.”

I chuckle at the reminder of when she straddled me and we rubbed together until we came. It feels like ages ago, and I worry that she does not have much time left. I help R’slind sit up. “There is no time to waste. We must leave now, with Set’nef.”

That prompts her into action. She holds tightly onto me as she gets to her feet, and I wrap the fur around her shoulders as she straightens. “Really? We’re leaving?”

“Hurry,” Set’nef says, glancing down the shadowy hall of the cave. “If anyone finds out that I am the one helping you, it will go badly for my brother. I have told my chief that I am going wandering, but they will suspect the worst when they see you are gone as well. We cannot be seen together.”

“Right, right,” R’slind mutters, holding tightly to my arm. “Sorry. My legs are a little wobbly.”

“Can I carry you?” I ask urgently. “We can move faster that way.”

She nods, not putting up a fight, and I am relieved. I bend down and indicate that she should climb onto my back, and the moment her arms go around my neck, I stand up. I duck through the bars, my arching horns scraping the top of the cage as we leave. The moment we pass through, my lungs seem to fill with air. Relief sets in, hard and fast.

We are still underground, but we are free.

Set’nef nods at both of us and then turns and heads in the opposite direction of where he came. “This way. Follow after me.”

I am torn. If we go back the way he came, I suspect that way leads to T’ia. She needs freedom, too. She is my tribesmate, and I cannot leave her. But R’slind is ailing, and I do not know the way. “T’ia—”

Set’nef gives us an impatient look. “You must forget about her for now. I cannot go to the village with you both. You will be enslaved again within moments and I will be exiled. We must go a different path. I am taking you somewhere else.”

Reluctantly, I nod. I will return for T’ia, but for now, I must save R’slind while I can. It sounds as if T’ia will be safe, but R’slind is struggling already. Choosing my mate seems the easy path, but it still fills me with guilt to leave my tribesmate behind.

Set’nef disappears down the tunnel, and I follow after him.

“How do we know this isn’t a trap?” R’slind asks, her breath tickling my ear. It makes my constantly aching cock stiffen with new vigor, and walking becomes a challenge. My khui sings louder, and I am reminded that she has been pleasured and trusts me, but resonance is no closer to being fulfilled. It hits some harder than others, but I worry that it will debilitate me as well. Tomorrow, I might need to be carried.

I picture Set’nef carrying me and R’slind both, and snort.

When she repeats her words, I realize I did not answer her. I am too distracted by her nearness. I focus, narrowing my gaze on Set’nef’s back as I follow a few paces behind him. “I think we do not have a choice,” I tell her. “But at least we are now free from the cage.”

“Excellent point.” She holds onto me tighter, burying her face against my neck, and I stumble.

“Keep up,” Set’nef calls back to me.

I hurry after him, taking care to hold R’slind’s legs tightly around my waist. I breathe through my mouth so I do not take in her scent. I ignore the jiggle of her teats against my back and the press of her soft skin to mine.

I have waited this long to have a mate, I remind myself. I can wait a bit longer to claim her.