“Finger…thing-ee?” I have no idea what she is referring to.

“Yeah, the thing above your, um, dick? That’s not a human thing. Does it retract into your body? Does it get an erection like your cock does?” She gasps and suddenly sits up, her eyes wide. “Can you make a man pregnant with it?”

“I…what?” Perhaps she did hit her head and I did not realize.

“Nothing!” she says quickly. “Sorry if that’s weird. I’m still thinking of fanfiction.”


She pats my chest. “Stories about other people. Wild, crazy stories. In some of them, men get other men pregnant. It’s all very sexy.” R’slind gives me a thoughtful look. “So if it’s not for sexy stuff, what’s it for? Human guys don’t have that.”

“My spur?” I have heard from others talking that hyoo-man females are very much excited about a male’s spur. So I tell her what I know, because I think she will like it. “It is always out. And it is for teasing your clit when I am mating you.”

“Oh!” R’slind’s face grows flushed with heat. “Oh, my goodness. Okay then. That’s…wow.”

“You are frightened?”

My mate makes a high-pitched giggle. “No, not frightened.” She pats my chest again. “My mind is just a filthy, filthy place. Just ignore me.”

“I do not think that is possible.” I caress her shoulder, watching her lively face. If only her eyes were bright with her khui, I would be less anxious about this moment. As it is, I can only worry and watch her for signs of distress. How long did V’ktal and R’hosh say it took for their mates to grow sick? A handful of days? Two? R’slind does not strike me as tough as Leezh and Shorshie. She is soft and gentle and sweet. She chuckles again and traces a finger over my chest, and my cock hardens again, my khui singing in the most obvious of ways. Yet she still lies atop me, our sticky thighs pressed together. “May I clean you, R’slind?”

She makes a face and sits up, her strange tunic stuck to her skin. “I suppose we’d better. The water is just so damn cold.”

“My hands are warm,” I offer, ever the eager one.

R’slind giggles once more. “Sure, why not. In for a penny and all that.”

I pause, because I recognize the name P’nee but not anything else. P’nee is S’bren’s mate and part of Tall Horn clan. I want to ask if she knows her but that is impossible. P’nee lives on the beach and R’slind cannot remember where she lives.

It does not matter. R’slind will live with me now. And she is agreeing to let me wash her. Everything else can wait. “Come, I will use my warm hands to wash you. Perhaps that will make the cold bearable.”

We manage to clean most of my seed from her tunic, which is made from a strange, slippery material. She shivers when I brush my fingers between her thighs, and it makes me think of tasting her.

I want to taste her. Badly. But R’slind must be comfortable, and right now she is far more interested in eating a morning meal. She takes big bites out of another one of the mushrooms, and we split the strange algae-like moss, which has dried out overnight. “This food should be gross, right? We’re eating cave-people food, and I should probably be absolutely disgusted, but this is the best mushroom I’ve ever tasted. Best moss I’ve ever tasted.”

“Have you eaten much moss?” I tease, taking small bites of mine to make it last, in case she wants my share, too.

“Never,” R’slind says, grinning at me. “Clearly humans are missing out.” Then her grin fades and she looks down at the mushroom in her hand. “You…you don’t think there’s something in the food, do you? Something to make us act out of character?”

“I am myself. Do you not feel like yourself?”

“I do? Just a little bit like a ho version of myself?” She wrinkles her nose. “Is that bad to admit?”

“I have no idea, because I do not know what a ho is.” I pause, then add, “Other than a greeting.”

She bites her lip and holds the rest of the mushroom out to me. “You eat this. I’ve had more than my fair share.” When I pop it into my mouth, she wraps my fur around her shoulders for warmth and looks around the cave. “You think we should try to escape today? Or should we wait for Set’nef to come back?”

I ponder this. Set’nef did not seem like he was against us, but he was not eager to let us out, either. Still, I have no idea where we are. The realization that the ancestors are still here and live in a cave underground is exciting to me, but not at the risk of R’slind’s safety. She has no khui, and she must get one soon or she will die.