For many, many reasons.

R’slind brightens, giving me another smile. “Me too. I’m so glad you’re here and I’m not alone. I was so scared.”

“I am here. Whatever happens, we will face it together.” I reach out and touch her hand. “I will do my best to keep you safe.”

She clasps my hand in hers, her grip tight.



I nibble at one piece of fruit, sharing it with R’jaal since he seems reluctant to eat. I know he thinks he’s being sly by pretending he’s not hungry, but it’s obvious to me that he’s letting me eat and saving the rest for tomorrow…and probably for me again then, too. It’s sweetly noble of him and I wish I could be just as selfless, but I’m so hungry that I’m shaking.

Of course, once I’ve eaten, I’m still shaking, but this time it’s from cold. I try to ignore it, since there’s no getting around it. I’ve got fuel in my system at least, and I use the drip of water to wash my face and hands and give myself a quick bath. I drink as much as I can, but the water is so cold that putting it inside my body feels like slow torture.

R’jaal is a good sort, though. He’s trying to make me comfortable. When I finally have to use the basket for my needs, he moves to the front of the cave and faces out, giving me a bit of privacy. I do the same for him, and when the basket is covered again and we’ve washed our hands and paced our cell, there’s not much more to do except wait for our captors to return.

I curl up against one of the cave walls and hug my legs, my teeth constantly chattering in the cold. It’s not nearly as bad as outside, and I can’t see my breath like before, but the cave itself is cold, the rock is cold, and I’m not wearing more than what feels like a silk negligee. It’s not exactly keeping me toasty.

R’jaal glances over at me as I shift in place, trying to get comfortable with my head leaning against the rock. “Are you tired?”

“Exhausted,” I confess. “But I’m not sure I’ll be able to relax enough to sleep. I’ve never bedded down on rock before.” I give the hard floor underneath my cold hip a pat. “I’ll manage, though. Maybe when Set’nef comes back we can convince him to give us blankets.”

“Shall I keep you warm?” R’jaal kneels next to me, his gaze intense.

“Oh, I wasn’t trying to ask….” Except, wasn’t I? He hasn’t offered to share warmth again, but I can’t stop thinking about how hot his skin was against mine, and how good it felt. I’m embarrassed to realize I’m not very selfless, because I shouldn’t have said anything at all. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be pushy, R’jaal. I’m just so cold.”

“My R’slind, do not apologize.” He grabs my hands in his and I want to whimper at how warm he feels against me. He gazes down at our joined hands with dismay. “Your fingers are like ice.”

“All of me is like ice,” I agree. “It sucks.”

“Then I will warm you. Do not feel guilty. It would be my pleasure.”

Oh, I feel a little guilty all right. Because it’s clear that R’jaal is feeling a little something for me that’s not innocent. I haven’t forgotten his “you’re my mate” comment when we first met, or the boner he got when we cuddled earlier. It’s just that I can only handle so many things at once, and right now, getting rid of the cold trumps everything else. If Set’nef showed up with a blanket in exchange for a tit squeeze, I’d absolutely let him, I’m that cold.

“Do you want to lie on top of me to sleep or underneath me?” R’jaal asks, his expression grave as he rubs my hands to warm them.

“Oh, I get a choice?” I ask weakly. “Um, the floor is really cold. Would I be pushy if I laid on top of you?”

“I would love that.” And he really looks as if he would. R’jaal immediately lies down on that awful, cold stone floor and opens his arms, gesturing that I should crawl into his embrace. “Please join me, R’slind. I promise no harm will come to you. You can trust me.”

Of course I trust him. He’s been an angel this entire day and has gone out of his way to take care of me. I know it’s because he has a bit of a crush, but I’ll take it. I waste no time in moving into his arms and settling myself atop him. I’m not a small girl—one might say tall and busty and big-hipped if one was being kind—but R’jaal is huge. “Let me know if I get too heavy.”