The female is silent until I hand it to her, and then she flips the thing in her hand, considering it. “Why are you being so nice to me?”

“Because we are in this together.”

Because you are mine and I have waited forever for you.

“All right.”



I’m no dummy. I haven’t forgotten the whole “Can I lick your cunt” or “You’re mine” he was spouting just a few minutes ago. I know R’jaal probably doesn’t have the best underlying motives.

But it’s fucking cold, and I won’t be able to think straight if I don’t figure out some way to get some heat. Freezing to death is still death, and I don’t want to die. So I clutch R’jaal’s strange little spearhead and head into the lion’s den.

In this case, the lion’s den is R’jaal’s lap. He settles himself on the floor, legs crossed, and then gestures that I should sit in his embrace. I hesitate, but then I think about how warm and good those fingertips felt on my scalp, and that decides me. It’s far too cold to hold out.

I climb into his lap and he immediately wraps himself around me, his big arms sliding over my cold skin. I can’t help the moan that escapes me, because oh god, he is so warm. It feels like I’ve been cold forever, and he’s suddenly the answer to my every heat-related prayer. He radiates warmth, and my teeth finally stop chattering as he adjusts his legs, trying to press as much of his bare skin against mine.

As he does, a rock-hard erection comes into contact with my side.

We both freeze.

“Please ignore that,” R’jaal says. His voice is thick, most likely with embarrassment.

And okay, I’ll allow that one. Because as long as he doesn’t start grinding against me, it’s normal for a guy to pop a boner when a half-naked woman rubs against him. I’ll allow it because at this point I’d rather have him horny and wrapped around me than be cold again.

What can I say, I’m weak.

“Just don’t try anything,” I whisper, and lean my head against his chest. The warmth continues to envelop me, and I tilt my face in toward his neck. “I will gut you.”

“I would never touch you without permission,” R’jaal says in a low voice. “Your body is yours.”

“You say that, but could you maybe stop purring? I feel like you’re enjoying this too much.”

He makes a strangled sound. “I cannot stop, no. It is something I cannot control. But I will not touch you.”

I have to choose whether or not I believe him. If I choose wrong, I could be setting myself up for a world of hurt on top of the already terrible and frightening situation I’m in. I gaze up at him and his strangely glowing blue eyes, and…

Maybe I’m an idiot, but I decide to trust him. I snuggle down against his chest, breathing in his warmth. “If you grab so much as a boob, I will castrate you.”

“I have no wish to grab anything,” he reiterates, and then pauses. “Well, no, that is wrong. I would love to grab you, but since you do not want it, I will not. I am here for you to use. Take what you need from me, R’slind. I am yours.”

Okay, that shouldn’t sound nearly as pleasing—or as powerful—as it does. He makes it seem as if I have all the power here, which we both know is a lie. I’ll take it, though.

I curl against him, letting his heat infuse me. My frozen limbs relax, and I start to feel less panicked overall. The lull of his constant purring is soothing, and I have to admit, I’m glad he got tossed in here, even if that’s selfish of me. “Are you okay?” I ask. “Do you need me to move?”

“No. Stay. Stay like this as long as you want.” His thumb rubs against my arm, and I even feel his tail twining its way around one of my feet.

“How did you get here?”

R’jaal pauses, thinking. “I was in the fruit cave, speaking with T’ia. It was night, and she was sad and feeling alone. I spoke to her, and then I saw a cloud of yellow in the air. I fell asleep and woke up here.” His hand strokes down my back, and it takes everything I have not to groan with sheer delight at being petted. “I am worried that my tribesmates are in danger.”

“I haven’t seen anyone else. Just you. And the guys that captured me, of course. They didn’t mention others, though.” A new thought occurs to me. “Do you think I was with more humans? On the spaceship? Do you think they’re down here?”

“I do not know. I am as in the dark as you are.” He strokes my back again. “But I think if the strangers stole me, they will have stolen T’ia.”