“Go away, Ezra. You’re ruining my orgasm-induced euphoria.” Her voice sounds soft and drunk. I leave her there to take care of the condom. If she’s still bent over when I return, I’ll help her out, even if that means carrying her to bed to get my fill of her.



“I have to get up,” Millie whispers well before her alarm is set to go off. I don’t have to look at my phone or a clock to tell me she’s unwrapping herself from my bed at least an hour earlier than her usual time, a time that is stupid o’clock.

“What the hell, Millie? Stay in bed.” The palm of my hand curls around her lower abdomen beneath a borrowed shirt of mine. She’s got nothing on beneath. We ate dinner in the living room last night, each of us enjoying our soup and sushi. Millie was sitting on the floor bellied up to the coffee table even though she knows I don’t care if she eats on the couch. When she was finished with her food, picking at it like a bird, unlike me, who eats as if it’s my last meal, she let out a soft sigh, moving until her back landed on the front of my legs. It wasn’t long until I was tired of not having her closer to me. I spread my legs until her back met the couch, my head dipping down to whisper in her ear. Her body shivered, and then I was standing up, collecting our trash, and making quick work of shutting down the house to get back to her. I no sooner got back to her than she was up on her feet, my shirt hitting her at mid-thigh, the TV was switched off, and my hand took hers. There was only one way to end the night, and that was balls deep inside of Millicent.

“I’ve got to finish going over my paperwork. I have a meeting, and my eyes were burning last night, so I couldn’t finish it. Stay in bed.” Letting her go is pissing me off, especially because I’m sure it’s around five o’clock in the morning and neither alarm went off, meaning Millie probably didn’t sleep a wink while I had no problem passing out after making her come four times to my two.

“I’m up now,” I grumble. She lets out a breath, sounding frustrated when that’s the last thing she should be. The woman doesn’t stop moving, working at Books and Brews Monday through Saturday from sunrise to midafternoon, then working on her computer at another job. It seems the only time she’s settled is when we’re in bed, and even now that’s not working.

“Ezra, you don’t have to. I promise. Go back to sleep. This shouldn’t take me long, and there’s no reason for both of us to be up at this god-awful hour.” I roll to my side, hitting the button on the wall near the bed to turn the lights in the room to low dim. No need to blind us while we’re at it.

“Millicent, I’m already up. Do what you need to. I’ll start the coffee and make breakfast.” I’m still in bed, about to grab my phone. If I’m up this early, I may as well get some work done myself, and knowing my brother, Parker isn’t up yet either, so there goes any idea of meeting at the gym to box my annoyance out.

“Don’t Millicent me in that tone of voice. I gave you an out. You didn’t take it. I’m going to change.” She grabs her bag off the chair and heads to the bathroom. I hear the lock click into place. Message received, loud and clear. Though, I have no fucking idea what I’ve done to piss her off, and it’s nowhere near that time of the month. Four months we’ve been together, not in a relationship—labels are unnecessary between the two of us—yet I know when it’s that time. Millie’s pussy is off limits, and no matter how many blowjobs she offers, or I receive, it’s nothing like sliding in between her thighs.

“So, what has gotten into her?” I ask the now empty and silent bedroom. Figuring hanging out and waiting on Millie to get out of the bathroom is asking for more attitude than I’m prepared for, I head for the stairs. I’ll be mainlining it today. I’m up two hours earlier than necessary, three if you count the fact that I’m not needed at the office till around nine. I walk through the house, turning on the lights as I make my way down the stairs and to the living room, grabbing the remote off the table behind the couch to turn off the room-darkening tint that is built into the windows. Once the sun starts rising, it’ll let in the natural light. Until then, it’s me, the coffee pot, and my dangerous thoughts. I toss the remote back onto the table then make my way to the kitchen in a few strides. The dining room is off the living room; it’s never used unless Krista, the only real mom I’ve ever had in my life, demands we eat Sunday dinners here. And now Millie uses it more than anything—her laptop, file folders, and papers are spread around the whole surface. I don’t usually look at her stuff. Normally, she’s working her side job as a fashion consultant a few times a week, helping customers piece outfits together for a subscription box. The papers I’m looking at aren’t what those are; it’s loan papers for a staggering amount of money, and when I see a business proposal for Books and Brews, making sure to keep the name while bringing her own element into the fold, I don’t know how to feel.