“I already have an offer drawn up. This was going to be my suggestion regardless. It’s a prime piece of real estate; you can control the rent while still recouping the cost of purchase. I’ll handle all the paperwork, in case something should come up, which is doubtful. It’s under the shell corporation, and I’m the one handling everything,” Sly states. It’s a plan that would work for everyone. The reason for the business loan was to purchase everything from the Smithers. With what Blake has alluded to, Bonnie and Chad won’t be able to sell anything, Scotty boy will more than likely be behind bars for the foreseeable future, and with the shell corporation being the building holder, it would be easier.

“Ezra, you’re going to have to give her the news gently. As much as the past six months have been hard on Millie with doing everything, the girl has a bleeding heart. She loved the two of them, will more than likely try to shoulder the blame for not putting two and two together sooner.” Fuck me running. Parker isn’t wrong. Millicent wears her heart on her sleeve, so this is going to wreck her world.

“I’m going to send this to the owner. If you’ll excuse me.” Sly stands up, grabs his bag, and we shake hands, my mind still on how to break the news to Millie. If I should tell her tonight or let her watch it on the news. I think hearing it from me will be the best plan of action.

“Ezra, Parker, my invoice will be sent to you. I’ll see myself out. A pleasure like always.” Blake takes his leave.

“And then there were two, huh?” Theo left after Boston, who had a meeting on the west coast coming up and still had to talk to his assistant. My suspicions are that Boston wanted more than paperwork from her, is more like it.

“Seems to always be. Is Nessa working tonight?” Assuming I tell her once we’re both home for the evening, I’ll be there to hold Millie while she lets it out, but she’ll no doubt be calling Nessa and her grandmother. Maybe I’ll call Mom, have her come down this weekend. She, Millie, and Nessa can do whatever it is that girls do—shop, gossip, sit around and bitch about the men in their lives.

“She isn’t. I’ll make sure we don’t have any plans. If we do, I’ll reschedule them. Is Mom still after the doctor who stapled her?”

“Thanks, and no. Said something about when she got her staples out, that he wasn’t as handsome as she remembered. I’m thinking she lied about how bad her concussion was. Mom also said the only reason she’d even think about moving is if one of us had kids, so pony up, brother. Millicent and I aren’t there yet. In fact, it might be another couple of years before we are.” It means we’ll have more time to practice, and I’m okay with that.

“About Goddamn time. Don’t worry. We’re not not trying.” Parker pauses, a smile taking over his face. “Good luck tonight, brother. Keep me posted. I’m here if you need me. Well, not in the office, because fuck that. I still have no idea why you choose to work in a stuffy building, but to each their own.” Parker hates dealing with people on a daily basis unless it’s Vanessa or family. Everyone else can fuck off for all he cares. I’m the opposite, thriving on the noises, the chaos. Sitting at home working in the quiet usually has me doing the opposite of working.

“Thanks, I’m going to need it.”



“Oh shit, I know something is wrong if you’re meeting me at the door and not in the kitchen.” It’s already unusual for Ezra to beat me back to his place when I get off work a lot earlier than he does. Ever since we admitted our feelings to one another and he told me he wants me to move in with him, I’ve spent my nights here. I still have to figure out if breaking my lease, let alone moving, would mess up my loan. That will have to wait until tomorrow. The look on Ezra’s face is anything but happy. A forlorn look is securely in its place. “What happened now?” I drop my backpack to the ground and step out of my sneakers, tired of my feet being caged in from being on my feet all day. I’m really going to have to look at a new pair of sneakers or hire actual help.

“Come on, sunshine. You’re going to need to sit down for this.” Ezra dips his head and kisses me lightly before he pulls away, his hand going to mine.

“I can’t take any more bad news.” I dig my heels in when he tries to get me to move, literally. My mind has been plagued by what-ifs, feeling like I’m in some kind of horrible dream. The only light at the end of the tunnel is Ezra, and should he give me any bad news about our relationship, I will literally curl up into a ball and rock in a corner.