“I love you, Ezra.” A breath I didn’t know I was holding leaves me, proving to me once again that I don’t always know what’s best, even for myself. “And I’ll move in with you. Not right away, though. I’m still in a lease, and with all that’s on, I’m pretty sure Perry would have a coronary if I changed addresses in the midst of everything else. As for a child, I’d be honored to have a child who looks like you, has the drive that you do, loves so deeply, but I can wait. And I’d like to wait, too. I’m still young, and you’re not, ahem, that old,” she jokes about my age. I ignore the barb because I am not fucking old.

“I want to make Books and Brews or whatever comes my way a smashing success, have time to enjoy it being the two of us before we bring a child into the equation.” My mouth takes hers. I like what I’m hearing, the determination to get through another obstacle thrown her way. I move us until she’s flat on her back, my elbows on either side of her head as I show Millicent what her words mean and do for me. The bad start of the day is turning into a late afternoon that’s better than expected, and when Millie wraps her legs around me, my cock comes to life beneath my jeans as I drag it along the seam of her pussy.

“Are you too sore for this, sunshine?” I ask, pulling away. Her hair is wild, lips plump, cheeks flush when I drag my mouth away from hers and look at her.

“Would you hate me if I said yes?” That doesn’t stop her from tightening her hold on my hips. My woman doesn’t want me to leave, and I’m not mad about that.

“Nope. You took me hard last night.” It was fucking heaven on earth. “We’ll eat, watch some TV, then I’ll use my mouth.”

“Okay, maybe I’ll return the favor.” She winks at me. I dip my head down again, lips grazing hers, getting one more taste of the woman I love.



“I’ll be right there!” I hear the chime to the door of the shop while I’m in the bookstore part, shelving a few new books that were brought in, as well as tidying up. My weekend was full of ups and downs, more ups than downs, which made it easier to get out of bed this morning, pretending like there’s nothing wrong, everything’s fine, everything’s okay, right?

“Hey, sunshine.” I turn around from my spot, where I was shoving a book into an empty spot, confused as to why Ezra is here. He’s taken so much time off and away from work, not that he told me. I knew it because, well, frankly, he’s been with me more than usual. It was why I told him I’d meet him at his place tonight and shooed him off when he tried to stay longer than normal after dropping me off today.

“Ezra.” My face must show my confusion. It’s a few minutes before closing, and I’m honestly ready to go back to his place and collapse on the couch. Putting on a brave face when your job could potentially be taken away isn’t for the faint of heart.

“I’m here with my attorney. The detective leading the investigation has a few questions. I’ve locked the door already, and my lawyer is currently pulling the shades down. You’re not in trouble. Sylvester is here as a precaution. You look at him if you feel uncomfortable answering. If you don’t, he’ll take it from there. Blake gave me the heads-up. I was able to meet him with the detective.” I’m pretty sure my heart is beating out of my chest. I’ve never had an incident before that warranted a police officer being in my presence, let alone being questioned.

“Okay.” My palms are sweaty. Hell, my whole body could be. I wipe them down my jeans then take my hair out of its bun, trying to appear more professional and not like the haggard train wreck I’m sure I look like after working all day without help. Tasha had class all day, which meant our busiest day was down to only one barista, my down time nonexistent.

“You’re not in trouble. We shouldn’t keep them waiting just the same.” Ezra head dips down, hand going to my neck, fingers massaging what they can, and plants a small soft kiss on my lips.

“You’re right.” I pull away, squaring my shoulders, and head toward the unknown, what no woman wants.

“Sylvester Sterling, Detective Johnson, this is Millie.” I shake both of their hands. Sylvester is definitely in a league of his own. His three-piece suit looks much like Ezra’s, meaning it costs thousands upon thousands. Detective Johnson is in a standard button-down shirt and slacks, badge on his hip.