“Man, you’re a bitch. Fine, take the coffee.” I slide it toward him, a peace offering. Who knows if that will even work in my favor.
“Thanks. I knew you’d see things my way.” Parker takes a sip of the black liquid, making a whole fucking production of it. While he does that, I open the portfolio while holding back the growl that’s bubbling up inside of me. Millie is making me feel things that I don’t want to talk about, think about, or see this early in the morning, or for the time being.
“Damn, that’s good.” Parker is poking the bear. It’ll only give me more fuel for the fire once we’re in the ring tomorrow morning.
“That’s the one and only time. Now tell me what’s going on with Four Brothers and Taylor and Associates,” I urge.
“Paperwork is finalized. I’ve already signed it even though I wasn’t supposed to be anywhere on this paperwork. Luckily, Nessa understands that it’s impossible for me not to be. It’s time for you and Theo to do the same. Boston came by the house last night to sign. A quick pit stop is what he called it before leaving immediately after. Next, we’ll let PR handle the rest.” Taylor and Associates is Nessa’s father’s company. Parker wanted nothing to do with the proposal, and I made sure that happened. This part, though, needed his name associated with it since Parker owns twenty-five percent of Four Brothers.
“Alright, I’ll get this signed. I’ve got a meeting after this, then another later this afternoon.” I take the pen, a Writers Edition Homage to the Brothers Grimm Limited Edition Mont Blanc, a gift from the asshole in front of me. It’s gold and black, finely etched to perfection, gliding along the paper in swift smooth strokes, and then it’s done.
“Sounds good. I’m heading home. If you need me, well, fuck off.” You’d think Vanessa would have chilled his ass out. Yeah, right. If anything, he’s more of a dick than ever, especially when it comes to not being around her.
“I figured as much. Later.” We walk out of the board room, Parker going one way and me going the other. Some of us have to work in an office to actually get shit done.
Today was a day. Naturally, the barista who was scheduled never showed. It’s a common occurrence with her. Instead of calling or texting, I made a note once again and carried on with my day. When everything was said and done, I was exhausted, barely making it from the coffee shop to the bank to deposit today’s earnings, then stopping by my place, taking a quick shower, and packing a small bag before I took the subway to Ezra’s place. He wasn’t home. The doorman knows my name, and I have a key plus the code to his upscale condo, one that’s two stories on the top of a very well-known building. That still doesn’t stop me from texting him before entering the building.
Millie: Hey, I’m at your place. See you soon.
I send the text right as Bill, Ezra’s doorman, holds the door open for me to enter. I pocket my phone in my light jacket, unsure how we’re having weather that’s completely different than we’re used to here in the city. It’s flipped around, feels more like fall than the winter we usually experience, not a hint of snow and none in the forecast.
“Hello, Miss Millie.”
“Hi, Bill. Please call me Millie. None of that Miss stuff.” I scrunch up my nose, and he chuckles. “How’s your day going?” No matter how many times I’ve told him over the past few months, he always includes it. At least he’s no longer using my last name. It’s not an easy name to spell, that’s for sure.
“It’s going better now that a pretty lady like yourself is in my presence. How about yours?” Ignoring me yet again, Bill is the consummate flirt, old enough to be my grandfather, and has a heart of gold.
“You’re a sweet talker. Another two days, then I’m off of work, thank goodness,” I tell him as he walks me toward the elevator, swiping the card across the panel to allow me up to Ezra’s place.
“That’s good. You work as hard as Mr. Hudson, and that’s a lot.” He is speaking a whole lot of truth on that subject matter.
“Soon, maybe I’ll be able to slow down. Have a good night,” I tell him as I step inside the elevator.
“You as well.” My phone vibrates in my pocket. I took my AirPods out as soon as I walked into my apartment, giving my ears and head a break from the music I have playing or the phone calls I take, usually from Nessa, my grandmother, or Ezra. Now it’s silence. There’s no one in the elevator, and I’ll have Ezra’s place to myself for a few hours where I can decompress before having to sit down and figure a few things out. There’s not even elevator music, and for that I’m thankful. I’d probably fall asleep standing up if there were. Instead, my mind runs in circles, thinking about the paperwork I have in my bag that I need to look over. I’ve wanted to buy Books and Brews or become a partner since the moment I stepped inside the shop. Going to college for business while working there made that feasible. Add in the side hustle of being an online stylist, and I’ve got a huge chunk of change in the bank. There is never a dull moment where I can sit and rest while I’m at the coffee shop, then, when I get home, it’s time to put in another hour or so for my online work. Sure, my best friend and her parents would more than likely help me secure the loan, but I’d never accept that. I’d rather work my ass off to do it on my own than to feel like I owe someone else besides a bank. The what-if’s would plague me every waking moment. My grandmother, who raised me, has always been in my corner, tells me on the daily I’ll accomplish anything I put my mind to. So, that’s what I’m doing, although now it’s going to be sooner rather than later. A year earlier than I wanted or expected. The money I have saved up is a lot. What sucks is there isn’t enough, not in my eyes, and I’m worried it won’t be in the bank’s eyes either.