Despite their fearsome appearance, Sky knew the Chokans were a peaceful people. It was one reason they were welcome in the Shrine of the Mother of Serpents, who was a peaceful deity.
The priestess behind the counter turned a handle which caused the large, wire ball to spin. After a moment, one of the smaller balls imprinted with numbers popped out and rolled down a chute into the priestess’ waiting hand.
“Oh my!” she said, showing the Serpentine couple their ball. “Number twenty-seven of the second grouping! You’d better hurry—they’ll be calling you any moment!”
“Good!” the Serpentine woman said. “This egg is just about to drop! If I don’t get it fertilized soon, it will be completely wasted.”
When she turned, Sky saw the distinct oval outline of a large egg under the scales of her lower abdomen. It was clear to see since the Serpentine woman’s robe was gaping open at the bottom, as was her husband’s. Well, at least she and Torin weren’t the only exposed ones, Sky thought.
“We’ll get there in time, my love,” the much smaller husband squeaked, stroking the Serpentine woman’s arm. “Come—let’s go wait outside the Sacred Chamber of the Great Serpent Mother for our turn to procreate.” His gaping robe showed that he was eager to fertilize his wife’s egg—his tiny, finger-sized shaft was already standing at attention.
The Serpentine couple left with their arms around each other and the Chokan couple stepped up to the counter. They got a lower number which seemed to please them, since they would have time to tour the Shrine before they copulated before the statue of the Mother of Serpents.
Then it was their turn. Sky felt a little flutter in her stomach as she and Torin stepped up to the counter with its wire ball contraption.
“Well, well—a Mammalian couple! How very good to see you,” the priestess behind the counter said warmly. “We don’t get many of your kind here, but the Mother of all Serpents is a kindly and accepting goddess and we are happy to accommodate all who wish to honor her.”
“Thank you—we’re happy to be here,” Sky said politely. “Have you seen any other Mammalians here today?” she asked, thinking that if the killer had disguised himself as a pilgrim, he might come to this chamber.
But the priestess shook her head.
“No, you are the first,” she said pleasantly. “Let’s see what your number to honor the Goddess might be.”
Sky’s heart was hammering in her chest as the priestess cranked the handle on the hollow wire ball, making it hum as it spun around and around and around. Would she and Torin have to go at once to honor the Mother of all Serpents? Or would they have a little time first?
After a moment, one of the smaller numbered balls popped out and rolled down the chute. The priestess caught it and looked at it.
“Oh—you’re number fourteen in the third group,” she told them.
“Is that good?” Torin rumbled, looking as anxious as Sky felt.
“Well, you have a little time to explore the Shrine, only don’t get too distracted,” the priestess cautioned. She nodded at the acolyte, who was waiting quietly behind them. “I see you have a guide. Neen’ya can take you to the Sacred Chamber first so you’ll know how to get back to it when your number comes up.”
“Er…thank you.” Sky nodded. She felt relieved—she’d been afraid they would have to go at once and she wasn’t quite ready yet. For that matter, she didn’t think the big Kindred was either. She and Torin exchanged a look as they left the counter.
“Well, looks like we have a little time,” he rumbled.
“A bit,” Neen’ya said, coming around to face them. “Follow me. I’ll show you the Sacred Chamber first, as the priestess suggested. Then we can visit the egg laying suite, the incubation area, and if you’re lucky, you might even get to see The Book Which Writes Itself before your time.”
“That sounds perfect,” Sky said. They could be looking for the killer during their tour, she thought. Maybe they would get lucky and catch him before their number was called, though she wasn’t entirely sure if she wanted that or not…
“This is the Sacred Chamber wherein resides the most holy statue of the Great Serpent Mother,” Neen’ya said. She had led them back to the main entrance chamber and then through a long hallway which curved continuously to the left. It had brought them in an ever-tightening spiral to the vast stone doors in front of them.
Torin felt almost dizzy from walking in circles—he was glad to come to a stop. But at the same time, his heart was pounding in his chest. They were about to see the chamber where he and Sky’lar were going to make love…one way or another. Unless they caught the killer first, that was.