I grab the honed steel between my strong fingers as it arcs downward, the world moving slowly as thoughts of her pound through me from my head into my feet.

I land a fist into his gut. It would be enough to kill a human, but it only knocks Ragned back. The ax falls from his hand as he rights himself and that’s all I need. In an instant, I hurl myself through the window, falling the two stories on top of my uncle.

Then I make chase as the skies open up and rain pours from above. Thunder crashes and the deluge turns the ground to mud. She’s running hard. But, she’s limping. She turns just once, sees me following, darts left, then right, then left again as though she’s working something out.

She leaps onto a four-wheeler that’s been left running, surely abandoned by one of the guards as we drove in, and tears toward the open gate. The rain dampens her scent, but it’s still there, owning me, and I dig in, increasing my speed until my lungs are on fire.

She is moving too fast for me to catch her on foot but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to keep chasing.

As she reaches the gate, two Hzarka soldiers emerge from the gate keeper’s structure. They’re behind her, but in front of me, and one hurls a metal ax at the back of her head, following orders I gave them.

Kill any Petrova workers or family you find. No exceptions.

My rage explodes as I watch the projectile arcing through the air. Drawing a deep breath, I bellow with the effort of the gods. Not words, just primal rage, trying to throw her off and adjust her trajectory. And it works. She doesn’t turn, but moves her head at the last moment, the weapon missing its target by inches and thudding to the ground in front of her ATV.

She swerves, the ground is already soaking, water spraying from the wheels as the front right tire hits a boulder in the grass. I watch as the small vehicle turns on its side, hangs there, teetering on two tires for a second, then flips completely, throwing her off into a muddy skid across the wet ground.

The two Hzarka orcs whoop in delight, turning my way with pride in their red eyes, drawing their swords as they head her way.

The rage envelops me, and they take their last breaths.

My sword sweeps from its scabbard and swings through the air. I take both their heads off at a run, their bodies slumping to the ground, blood in a spray as she rolls and comes up on her feet, glancing once more my way before staggering to a run, limping but moving quickly for a human toward the edge of the woods.

I’m close to her in five steps, branches tearing at my exposed neck and face but I feel no pain. Only fear. I’ve not felt fear before, but instinct tells me this tightness in my chest and pressure in my ears is exactly that. But, not fear for myself. Fear for her.

Of losing her.

She’s small and quick, but I keep her in sight as we both stumble over the uneven ground. The wind is howling through the trees, rain blurring my vision as it drips down my forehead. My heart thunders, I need to catch her. I need to keep her safe like I’ve never needed anything else.

Lightning flashes, lighting up a clearing as she runs for a small indent in the ground. Confusion tears through me as she slows and crouches, as though she’s found something or is going to dig into the wet ground.

Which is exactly what she does.

As the thunder rolls, she paws at the mud, covering herself in wet dirt, then she swings a circular section of the ground upward.

The fear of losing her burns inside of me as she shifts forward, disappearing, pulling the cover down as she goes.

But I’m right there. Sliding in the mud, my feet slipping as I tumble to the ground.

I drive my hand between the closing hatch and the surrounding frame. The heavy metal cracks the bones in my fingers but it works. I lift the hatch as she pounds on my hands, trying to release my grip, trying to shut herself in, but that’s not fucking happening.

Not without me.

I lean forward, looking into her angry eyes, the furrow of effort on her forehead and the pressure builds inside my head and down in the thickening of my cock. She’s standing on a metal ladder that disappears downward.

She must realize her efforts to battle me are futile, and she slides down the ladder into darkness.

I heave my enormous body into the opening, the sides pressing around my legs, the metal ripping into my flesh as I stuff myself down the human-sized opening.