“You stay behind me,” Gathred grunts as we approach the gatehouse. Right now, nobody seems to have noticed our approach, and I wonder if, like when I was last here, all the guards are inside. “If I get killed, you run. Go back to Katya and find safety. Got it?”

I don’t like him talking about if he gets killed. Especially as he seems to say it with the same level of emotion he might use for if it starts to rain or if there’s no ketchup left. No panic, no “but I hope that doesn’t happen.” Just a statement of possibilities.

“Do orcs have ketchup?” I ask, trying not to engage with his moroseness.

He shakes his head. “I don’t know this word. If you want it, I’ll get it for you.”

I grin to myself. So he’s not planning to die after all.

As anticipated, the gatehouse is empty, and we pass straight through without challenge, but they must have lookouts posted at the windows because we’ve barely gone a few more steps before the giant rolling doors used for deliveries start to grind up, and Hzarka orcs pour out beneath them.

I huff at what they’ve done to the interior I took such pride in keeping spotless. Graffiti plastered over the walls, garbage strewn on the floor. And the smell.

Looks like they’ve been using the delivery area as their own private dumping ground.

“Clan Lakktra. And Gathred. See you figured out the truth at last.” One of the largest orcs steps forward. I vaguely recognize him, I think he was in the canteen when we were here last.

Gathred steps forward, leaving me marooned in a forest of giant Lakktra orcs.

“We are here for Erving, Yunnik. Give him to us and we leave, no need for any to die.”

Yunnik laughs. “He is ours. Why would we give him to you?”

“Go back inside. Bring Ragned out here. I will speak to him.”

“You think he cares about a few Lakktra scum? He has more important things to concern him.”

As he’s talking, more Hzarka orcs spill from the delivery doors. And more come out behind them. Even from what I remember of the attack, it seems like this is too many. Where have they all come from? Do we even stand a chance against numbers like that?

Athaan steps in beside me and puts a massive hand on my shoulder, and as if answering my thoughts she says, “Do not worry. Numbers are not everything. Clan Hzarka is stupid, all know this. Even on Iriaza, the Moban knew this.” She chuckles. “Gathred is Lakktra. He will act with cunning, with consideration. Clan Lakktra is smart.”

Gathred steps forward, until his face is an inch from Yunnik’s, and I wait to see what he’s going to do. How do you outsmart a force this size?

I watch as he draws a breath through his nose, then without a word his sword comes up and thrusts into Yunnik’s chest. I see the point go right through him and out the other side, as Yunnik’s mouth drops open, his eyes wide. He tries to say something, but all that comes out is an exhale of breath.

And as Gathred lowers his sword, Yunnik drops to the ground in a heap.

Silence follows. Nobody moves. It’s like everyone’s just taking a collective WTF moment.

“Well. Mostly smart,” Athaan mutters.

And all hell breaks loose.

The silence is broken by the roar of dozens of battle cries as Hzarka orcs plow forward. Athaan was right, there’s no thought to this. The Lakktra fall back, forming a protective wedge between the gatehouse and the security fence, with me at the center. It becomes difficult to see what’s happening, but I know what I hear. Orc death screams from all around, but as the line of Lakktra orcs holds I’m guessing it’s the Hzarka that are doing the dying.

The way they just come on is inefficient and stupid, and the Lakktra are able to keep them hemmed in so that their numbers don’t count for much. But as wave after wave crash against the defensive line I can’t see how there’s any hope of victory.

Athaan keeps close to me at first, using a bow to pick off those further back, but when her arrows run out she steps forward and the other Lakktra orcs close up around me.

My heart is in my throat. I can’t see Gathred. I don’t know if he’s with his brothers and sister at the front center, off at one of the edges, or even in the midst of the advancing Hzarka. I won’t for a second even contemplate the possibility that he’s been killed. I can’t. The thought of losing him, my mate, my world, my everything…

It’s simply not a possibility. I would know. I’d have to know.

There’s a howl from beside me and one of the Lakktra orcs collapses back. I have to step out of the way or be crushed as he falls. A knife is embedded in his chin, sticking up through his skull. It’s the first one I’ve seen die from our side, but as Hzarka continue their assault I’m sure it’s not going to be the last.