I open my eyes to see my father scrambling to get a hold of a table leg, but he’s alive. I turn to see Katya knocked sideways, tears in her eyes. My ears are ringing, but I get to my feet, wobbling only once as I step towards her.

“It’s going to be all right,” I tell her as I gather her into my arms. “We need to get out of here. That won’t stop anyone for long.” I turn to my father as I carry her toward one of the broken windows. “Dad, come on, let’s go!”

Even now, my instincts force me to turn to Gathred as he’s shaking his head to clear it. The explosion was more for show than anything, and I knew it wouldn’t damage orcs, but if he’s coming around already, that means the others will be too.

I want to stay with him. I’m not even sure if I’ll be able to walk away. But I have to get my family to safety.


He’s struggling to get to his feet, his head wobbling as if he’s dizzy. But as I watch, Gathred heaves himself up and steps toward my father, taking him under the arm and helping him up. They stumble our way together, but as they take a step Ragned jumps to his feet, tearing my father out of Gathred’s arms.

Gathred roars and turns as another orc rushes in through the door, my father held between Gathred and Ragned.

“Go!” My father screams at Gathred. “If you really are different, get Aleena and Katya to safety. That’s all I care about!”

Gathred growls and steps forward, but Ragned backs away. He knows he has time on his side as more orcs come in through the doors. In a minute, they’ll get their bearings and grab us. This is our only opportunity to get out of here.

“I said go!” My father screams, and Gathred roars in frustration as he turns. A second later, he’s lifting both me and Katya in his arms and telling us to hold on as he rushes for the window.

And as he jumps, I get one last look at my father before we plummet to the ground.




“We need to go back!” Aleena is screaming at me as I run.

Katya is just staring, like she can’t believe what’s happening to her right now. This is a fucking lot for a thirteen year old to take in, but if she’s anything like her sister she’s tough. She’ll get through it.

“We have to keep moving,” I grunt as I lower my head and push on toward the exit from the compound.

A few miles through the woods and we’ll hit the old north-south highway our clan had to cross on our way here, then we’ll follow that and find somewhere safe.

“They’ll kill my dad! You do understand that? They’re going to kill him. God, this is a nightmare.”

I shake my head. “They won’t kill him. They need him. Sekkad will never get it. They’ll need to keep your father around.”

“Ragned said—”

“He thought he’d have me. He doesn’t. They want your father’s product.”

“You’re sure?”

I nod and she hesitates.

Then she says, “That way.” She points back the way we’ve come. “There was a food delivery the day before your attack. The drivers always stick around for a day and head back with supplies. Those trucks will be big enough for the three of us and then some.”

“This is good,” I say and turn to where she’s pointing.

“You’re sure my dad isn’t in danger?”

“No danger. Without me, they won’t hurt him.”

I’m not just saying it for her sake. This whole thing was about securing the smikkaan and ivee Erving makes. Argoth wanted that profit for himself, and now Ragned does. They won’t kill the golden goose. Sekkad might be the best chemist after me but remembering instructions isn’t his strength. Eventually, Ragned will figure out what I already did, that if he puts Sekkad and another orc on it, maybe Yunnik or Harrk, he’ll have a team that can figure that shit out. But that won’t happen for a while.

Until then, we have some breathing room.

The trucks aren’t big like the one we came in on. Just small delivery vehicles, but big enough for me to get behind the wheel. I’m sure with the enhanced intellect the Moban gave me I can figure out how to drive one. I start to load the two of them onto the bench seat, then climb in the driver’s side. There are shouts from the compound, but they’re not coming closer, so I guess nobody thought to follow us.

Probably too busy clearing up the mess.

“Gart always turns this key,” I say to myself, clumsily gripping the tiny metal protrusion on the dashboard.

“Wait, you don’t know how to drive?” Aleena stares at me and I shrug.

“Gart is the driver. The Moban altered him so he’d know how to make deliveries.”