He smacks me again and yes, pre-Gathred Aleena would have kicked him in the balls and probably shoved a knife into the side of his head, but Dostha?

I’m not ashamed to say, I’m all over this little play dynamic we have going. Being under his control soothes my inner knots if just for a while, but I’ll take it.

“Yes, Papa.”

His meaty fingers reach under my center, slipping between my lower lips and circling my clit, making me gasp, my head falls to the pillow I’m squeezing.

“That’s my good girl. Just stay like that. You like when I use you, your wet little pussy betrays you.”

I moan into the pillow as I hear him spit, then the warm wet saliva lands just above my ass crack. He spits again then starts to run his hard on up and down, cradled between my butt cheeks while he plays with my pussy, his other hand reaching under and grabbing my breast, tweaking my nipple until I’m hissing and wiggling my rear end against his dragging cock.

This new pleasure I’ve discovered with Gathred is amazing, I’ll admit. But it’s more. He gives me this sense of protection and nurturing. Caring and warmth, that reaches into my chest and soothes my heart. His cock slips up and down, more spit, more teasing from below with his voice thick from above.

“That’s my girl. You love my thick orc cock rubbing on your little teasing ass.” He growls. “Never forget, I may use you, I may hurt you, but Papa loves you.”

That’s it. Like a nuclear bomb I go off. He ruts against me, faster as his lower pleasure cock spins at my entrance, loosening me and softening my body while his meaty finger works my clit as the stars dance behind my eyes.

The way he talks to me lights something sinful and dark inside of me while making me feel small and safe. The juxtaposition of the emotions is a heady mix and I know deep in my deepest heart, I am in love with this orc.

I don’t just love him. I’m in love and I’m petrified when we leave here, it will all come to a fiery and horrible end.

“You are mine. Mine.” He grunts as he uses my ass crack for his relief.

As my orgasm takes me, I’m lost in its waves. When he shoves my body flat, his weight pressing on my back as he humps against me violently, I moan with pleasure.

“Look what you make Papa do. This is what you want, isn’t it? To drive me crazy. Teasing me. This is what happens, you make me do this.”

I whine into the bedding as he takes his pleasure from my body. I’m helpless, he could do anything with me and that hint of fear only makes me want him more.

His hand is pressing at the center of my back as the shaft of his cock and his knot assault me from behind. I can’t imagine how my body will take his cock inside me, but I already know, I will take all the pain to make it happen.

He roars as he finds his peak. The warm spray of what I now know is not semen, but a pleasure release until we fully mate. Then, from what he says, the full scale orc baby batter will be dripping out of me for a week.




I cover my ears against the automatic gunfire.

The shots cry out, and my father falls, clutching his chest as blood sprays from hundreds of exit wounds in his back. It all happens in slow motion, and I’m trying to scream but nobody can hear me.

The whirring of the motor as round after round plows into him is too loud.

“No!” I cry out, sitting up and opening my eyes. I reach out for Gathred, wanting to touch him, to feel him. After the last round of orgasms, I fell asleep in his strong arms. I want to curl up in them right now and know that I’m safe with him. But I find nothing. My heart is thundering, the dream seemed so real, the whirring still loud in my ears. Watching my father die… “No,” I whisper more quietly to myself as I look around, drawing a deep breath.

I will not let any harm come to him.

The whirring isn’t just in the dream, it’s in the waking world too, somewhere close. But as the dream fades I realize it sounds more like a saw than a gun. Gathred isn’t here, so I guess it must be him. What’s he doing, making furniture?

“Gathred?” I call out as I sit up, the blankets falling away from my naked body, and I shiver.

“Over here,” he says softly.

It isn’t cold here, not really, but it’s just on the wrong side of comfortable. I climb out of the bed and scramble around for my less than clean clothes, then join him.