He rumbles again and the sound has a direct line of communication down to my lower level. Warm liquid spills into my panties and I wonder if it’s just the adrenaline that has me so jacked up.

The monster steps forward and I step back. He’s the typical sage-green but he lacks the usual sort of Mohawk ponytail deal most orcs sport. He’s bald and on the larger size for his kind, which puts the top of my head just below his tattooed and gashed pecs, which are nicely displayed between the leather straps crisscrossing his chest and buckling into the belt of his kilt hanging just a little low on his hips.

It’s hot. So freaking hot. Those eyes, he can orc me anytime.

What in the Forest Gump is happening here?

My reptilian brain answers by forcing my eyes to his crotch as my imagination conjures up images that perk up my nipples and that thrumming between my legs turns into a clenching that takes over my entire lower body.

His lips move into something that could be considered a precursor to a smile, but it’s gone as quickly as it appears.

I’m sure what he’s packing downtown would split me in two. As thick as my forearm and god only knows how long. My mouth starts to water, wondering what orc spunk tastes like…

“You sort of killed your own clan mates. That’s going to be a problem for you, I’d imagine.” I try to be tactical, maybe talking about his problems for a second will distract me from mine and break this strong silent type thing he’s got going.

“I don’t have problems,” he answers, his voice so thick and low, it vibrates down into my toes. “They will want to kill me now. That is a fact.”

I’m so stunned that he actually spoke, it takes a moment before I reply. So he isn’t a mute after all. “And, that’s not a problem? Being killed?”

“I do not believe in problems. I believe in facts.”

I nod on a shrug. “Well, okay. Seems like a problem to me…”

“You are not hurt?” He steps forward, those winter-white eyes tracing up and down my body, making me dizzy, and I wonder for a second if maybe I did get hurt, hit my head and this is all just a dream or a hallucination.

“I’m okay. Twisted my ankle when I jumped but…your partner there on the ground broke my fall. So, thank you for that. For stopping him from killing me and for giving me a soft landing.”

He nods. “This is good. I will look at your ankle now.”

“Uhhh, wait…” I start but he’s already got me around the waist, lifting me like a doll onto a table to my left. His touch sends a wicked shudder from my head downward and sweat breaks out over my skin under my damp clothes. There’s a buzzing in my ears and for a second, I think I might pass out.

This room is about the size of my father’s office. Big and open, with a kitchen of sorts along the back wall, a large bed over in the opposite corner with a couple desks, a sofa, a couple sad looking stuffed chairs.

I’m babbling on about God knows what as he pushes up my wet pant leg, fumbling with fingers the size of thick kielbasa with the zipper on the inside of my muddy tactical boots. I watch for a minute, fascinated. The top of his head is right there, I note the dent, but it’s not just a dent. There’s a thick scar in a half moon shape surrounding it and a few other deep scars near the front of his skull.

He uses the tips of his sausage fingers to pinch the zipper, gritting his teeth with the effort, and I bite back a giggle. He’s radiating heat like a sauna. I know orcs run hot, but I’ve never been this close in a calm situation to actually feel it. It’s comforting in an odd way, and I understand now why they don’t like the heat.

They bring their own.

His eyes dart to mine, confusion tightens his brow but he doesn’t speak. He manages to get the zipper down, tugging at the heel, when a dart of zapping pain shoots up the back of my leg.

“Oww.” I hiss, grabbing the sides of my knee as he pushes my pant leg up and eases my sock off my toes. “It hurts.”

“This is not broken.” He holds my ankle between his freakishly hot palms, the heat immediately making it feel better. “Be still, this will help.”

He crouches down, encircling my ankle in his hands which are wide enough to reach halfway up my calf.

And he starts to fucking hum.

I didn’t know orcs could hum but this one is and it’s very…soothing.

Almost lyrical, musical.

His scent is taking its toll on me as well. I can’t place it, it’s nothing I’ve smelled before in the human world. But it’s…wonderful. Sexy and orc-like and powerful.