“No, he just won’t be teaching at the college.” She sighed when he still didn’t get the point.
“There are other colleges and universities, darlin’. Trust me; I’m sure Professor Miller will make do with whatever place he decides to teach at next.”
Not exactly sure what he was insinuating, her saddened gray eyes met his. “Lucca, don’t you trust me?”
Letting go of the strand of hair, he used his finger to lift her porcelain chin. “Darlin’, I trust you, just not men.”
“It doesn’t matter if you trust them if you trust me.” Chloe’s hand covered the one holding her chin. “If I felt Professor Miller was being inappropriate, I would have told you. I’m not a child whose judgment you can’t trust.”
With no response, Chloe thought back to Maria’s last lesson …
* * *
“Now, when you still don’t get what you want and everything else I’ve taught you fails”—Maria’s emerald gaze grew serious—“play dirty.”
* * *
Letting go of him, she jumped off Lucca’s lap. “My next class is tomorrow, and Professor Miller better be there.”
His voice suddenly went dark. “He’s not coming back.”
WWMD. “Then I guess I’ll move in with Elle and Nero until he does.”
Lucca crossed his own arms, defiantly leaning back in his chair as he gave her his own glare. “Nero won’t let you.”
“I-I’ll rent an apartment, then.” Chloe was beginning to crack, but she hoped he wouldn’t notice. “And I’ll try to see you when I can.”
“You’re going to go there?” Lucca let her know he didn’t like that, but then he softened. “Chloe, my main priority is your safety.”
She bit her lip, and her eyes finally dropped to her feet. “You’ve left me with no choice, Lucca. I understand your need for my protection with the way your mother died.” When Lucca started playing with his lighter, flipping it on and off, she stared into the flames. “But I’m not Melissa. Melissa was content to stay home behind guarded doors. I won’t. I have dreams I want to fulfill. You’re one of those dreams, but you’re not my only one, any more than I can be the only one to fulfill what you want out of life.”
Lucca held out his hand. “You’re all I want, darlin’.”
“You would be willing to walk away from being the head of the Caruso family? Let someone else take over?” Chloe took his hand. Sitting back down on his lap, she answered before he could, “I would never expect you to. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. I don’t want to become your whole world. You would get sick of just being with me.”
He placed her hand on his chest so he could trace the scar on her lip. “No, I wouldn’t.”
“You would.” She kissed him, knowing that was what he wanted. “But I love you somehow even more for saying that.”
After giving him a few more kisses, she pulled her mouth away before it got too intense, knowing if they continued, she wouldn’t be making it to her next class. “I need to get back to school.”
Lucca groaned, regretfully letting her go.
“Now …” Chloe smoothed down her outfit, trying to stand tall. “Will Professor Miller be back tomorrow, or should I start looking for an apartme—”
“He’ll be back.” He stopped her from speaking sacrilege. “Now, are you going to threaten to move out every time you get angry with me?”
“Only until we get married,” Chloe joked with a smile as she moved toward the door.
His glare returned. “And what will you threaten me with then?”
Remembering the promise she had made her friend was the only reason she turned back, and definitely not how scary Lucca’s voice had sounded to her. “Adalyn won’t get in trouble for lending me her car?”
Lucca took his time answering, “No.”
She knew he only conceded because he must’ve wanted her answer so badly. She was sure he wanted to be prepared for the future.
She thought for a moment but came up empty-handed. “I’ll have to ask and get back to you later.”
His eyes suddenly turned into slits. “Ask who?”
Sometimes, you just had to consult with the author …
I should have whacked him, Lucca thought when he entered the professor’s home. Sure, it was unannounced and probably traumatic for him, but nothing warranted the goat-like, pussy-ass scream that came out of this grown man’s mouth.
“I’m not going to kill you,” he shouted over him, holding his hands up to the sky but not making any promises. “I’m just here to tell you that you better be at that podium, boring everyone to death, tomorrow morning.”
The professor suddenly stopped screaming. “You want me to go back to work?”
“Unfortunately.” Lucca was just as shocked that this was exactly what he was saying. “Now, is that going to be a problem?”
“No, no, of course not.” Miller tried his best to appear appreciative. “I just didn’t think you wanted me teaching Ch—I mean, Ms. Masters.”