Page 34 of Lucca 2 (Made Men)

“You don’t have to. I don’t want to go to heaven if you won’t be there.”

“Doesn’t matter if God keeps me out. Besides”—he made it clear there was no need to feel sorry for him—“my heaven is right here, with you.”

Letting him take her mouth in a hard kiss, she slid her wet arms around his shoulders to hold him tighter. Lucca was right; what they shared together was heaven on Earth.

Cupping her bottom, he lifted her up to slide her down onto his cock.

Careful not to get carried away so the water wouldn’t spill over, she lightly rocked over him. Lucca, however, wasn’t as restrained, thrusting his hips. She had to hold on tight to the sides to stay inside the tub.

She would have tried to calm him, but it felt too good. Letting go of her reserve, she held on tighter, trying to match his movements as she sought to give Lucca the same ecstasy he was giving her.

As they climaxed together, they held each other tightly, their bodies shaking as the water cooled around them.

Not before she was done shaking did Lucca lift himself and her out of the tub to wrap her up in a warm towel. They dressed before going downstairs, hand in hand, to eat the dinner he had prepared for them.

They were eating dessert when Lucca’s face went stern.

“Promise me that you won’t run off from your security like that again. The next time you want to let me have it and I’m not within shouting distance, call me, and I’ll come to you.”

The commanding way he was talking to her had her newfound independence wanting to argue back. It wasn’t until she looked into his eyes that she saw the true fear there.

“I’ll never do it again,” she promised. “I’ll wait until I get home.”

Happy with her response, Lucca rose and blew out the candles before he picked her right up from her chair. “Be sure to call me on the way to give me a heads-up. That way, I can have the bath ready.”

She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. “I won’t plan on it working every time.”

Laying her head on his shoulder as he brought her up the stairs, she was so content. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could mar the happiness she felt.

In their bedroom, Lucca disrobed her then took off his own clothes before laying her down on the bed. “I would have you painted in this position, but I would have to kill the painter when he was finished.”

Taking it at a joke, Chloe laughed. “Elle and Adalyn compared you to Ted Bundy and Skeet Ulrich in Scream.”

A searing kiss on the inside of her upper thigh had her stomach quivering at the intimate touch.

“What did you say to them?”

Another searing kiss landed in the top curve of her thigh as his mouth moved higher. Chloe was so entranced in what he was doing she wouldn’t have been able to spell her last name if he had asked.

“I can’t remember,” she panted.

“Darlin’, I wouldn’t harm a spider.” Lucca’s tongue swept over her clit then swept back, as if he was tasting ice cream for the first time. “I mean, they could have at least compared me to a better group of men.”

“You mean men who aren’t serial killers?” she asked as she wiggled herself lower to get the best benefit of his torturing tongue.

“No.” Removing his tongue to replace it with a long, teasing finger, Lucca glanced up at her fleetingly. “Amateurs.”

She gasped when his finger parted her wider so Lucca could glide his dick expertly inside her.

Unsure what he meant by them being amateurs, she lost all thought when he took her wrists and pinned them over her head. She swore he could make her feel each hard thrust in every cell of her body, holding her eyes just as easily as he controlled her body.

Through heavy-lidded eyes, Chloe managed to catch a brief glimpse of the real Lucca with his guard down. His visage in this brief moment was different than the comfortable, reassuring man she was used to seeing. Tonight, Chloe caught sight of the ruthless, arrogant, dark man whom her friends had warned her about. They hadn’t been teasing; they had been trying to warn her. She now understood his comment—Lucca considered them to be amateurs because …

They got caught.

Then, suddenly, in the blink of an eye, her Lucca was back.

“Is something wrong?” Loosening his grip on her wrists, he linked his fingers with hers.

She gripped his fingers back, trying to desperately hang on. “No, nothing.”

The scared Chloe who was always afraid of her own shadow wanted to run away, but the new Chloe was braver, willing to accept she loved Lucca enough to love both sides of him …

Her lover.

And the boogieman.

Her revelation sent her climax spiraling out of control.