“Let’s get one thing clear, Andy … I don’t.” It took all of Lucca’s strength not to have Chloe’s professor showing up to class black and blue tomorrow. If he thought he could get away without her knowing it was him, he would be choking on his own words by now. “But you will show up tomorrow and teach my fiancée to the best of your abilities to ensure she will pass your class with flying colors.”
When Miller nodded in understanding, Lucca continued as he took a threatening step closer.
“Now, if you stare even just a little bit too long in her direction, trust that I will find out about it. And, as for your record”—he let him know he hadn’t forgotten about it—“it stays at eight.”
The professor didn’t need to hear the word capiche this time before he agreed. “Yes, of course.”
Satisfied, Lucca almost turned to leave, forgetting something. When he reached inside his suit pocket, Miller went to scream again but stopped when he saw it was just a small piece of paper.
“What’s this?” he asked, taking the slip that was held out to him.
“Names of my fiancée’s friends who you also happen to teach. You’d do well to apply the same rules, as they’re dating my men.”
The professor’s eyes grew wide at the first name, as it turned out Andy was one lucky motherfucker Lucca had found out about him first.
“If you think I’m jealous”—Lucca sinisterly smiled, wishing he hadn’t—“then you don’t want to meet my brother, Nero.”
“There she is.” Adalyn waved back at Gia before getting in line. “I thought by now she would have gotten tired of holding a table for us.”
“Me, too,” Chloe agreed, almost as surprised as she was earlier when she had seen Professor Miller standing behind the podium. “It’s really nice of her.”
Waiting to order, Elle nodded while her strawberry locks bounced. “I’ll try to get here early tomorrow and pay for her lunch.”
When they got their orders, they made their way to the large table Gia was holding for them.
“Hi.” Instead of taking off today, she remained seated. “Do you mind if I sit and hang out for a while? My class just got canceled, so I have some time to blow.”
Chloe unscrewed the top of her orange juice, grateful it was all she had gotten when she had seen Adalyn’s nuggets were in the shape of different dinosaurs. “Your class got cancelled?”
“Just got the email,” Gia confirmed, seemingly not irritated about it in the slightest. “Well, at least I was able to save you guys from having to eat at the picnic tables outside. It’s supposed to rain.”
“We really appreciate you.” Elle smiled at her sweetly, speaking for all of them. “I don’t know how you always manage to get here early every day.”
“Me, either.” Adalyn grimaced. “I’d show up later if I could, but Chloe is always a pain in the ass if we’re even just a millisecond late.”
Chloe practically spit out her OJ. “I am not.”
“You are, too.” Adalyn looked over at Elle for backup.
Her best friend pled the fifth.
Okay, maybe they’re a little right but … “I just don’t understand how one person would need to set ten alarms to make it to school on time.”
“Well, you’d think I was a freaking saint if you had to be at school as the same time as Lake.” Adalyn dunked a chicken nugget into the BBQ sauce. “Speaking of …”
“Sorry I’m late.” Lake slid into the spot next to Adalyn. “What did I miss? Anything good?”
“Nope. We just sat down.” Elle clearly hoped they didn’t have to have the last conversation all over again. However, the tall brunette felt like she had missed out on something juicy.
“Oh, I thought something was going on with Gia still here.”
Adalyn quickly filled her in, speaking so fast that none of them knew how Lake was even able to keep up.
“Yeah, my first class starts after lunch,” Lake said, picking up her apple. “I get here early to eat with the girls, but Vincent always makes me late by hitting snooze on my phone. He works late nights,” she added, making excuses on her boyfriend’s behalf. “If anyone should be here early to get us a table, it should be me, so I’m sorry for that.”
“No worries.” Gia shrugged. “Honestly, my roommate is a music major, so having a reason to leave my dorm room early saves me from having to buy her a new instrument because I broke it.”
“Oh no,” all the girls said in unison, with varying tones as if someone had just died.
Chloe gulped loudly, while Elle was the only one brave enough to ask, “What does she play?”
Each one gave her their own pitying look around the table.
Adalyn leaned forward to pat her hand, able to find the words on behalf of all of them. “I’m so sorry, sweetie; we’ll pray for you.”