
We both looked up at the sound of another voice. Skylar was coming down our aisle, backpack over her shoulder, and a few other girls with her. A couple guys too. I didn’t recognize any of them. She frowned before flashing me a grin. “You’ve been holed up here studying all day?” She was taking in the somewhat private alcove that I found, and also the very large table we were at. She nodded at the empty space. “Mind if we join?” She gestured behind her. “Just a few of us. The rest are looking for their friends.”

I opened my mouth, but Tasmin beat me to it.

She perked up, a bright smile on her face. “Yes! We’d love if you joined!”

Skylar frowned a little, but gave a casual nod before she took the seat next to me. Some of the other girls filed in, spreading out over the end of the table. The guys with them took off, giving the whole table a two-finger salute.

I had to give Tasmin some points because she waited until Skylar was nice and settled in before she started.

“So.” She leaned in, her elbows resting on the table. She rested her chin on her hands and gave another closed-mouth smile at Skylar. “Do you remember meeting me? How was the rest of your birthday? Was it amazing? What’s it like living with Mara? I’ve decided that I’m going to be her friend, whether she wants me to be or not. Do you have thoughts on that?”

“Uh… I think that’s great.” Skylar frowned, glancing at me.

I had a feeling this was the precursor for how the rest of the day would go.

Tasmin Shaw chose her mission: me.



Skylar stayed the whole time until the library closed. Her friends did too, and not only did Tasmin remain the whole time, but her boyfriend joined. When he showed up, they had a silent conversation via looks. It lasted a couple minutes. Everyone noticed, raising their eyebrows except for me, and then, with a sigh, Race moved to take the seat next to his girlfriend. She leaned over, gave him a kiss on the cheek. He shook his head as he pulled out his books to start studying.

We were heading out now and stepped outside the building.

“We’re going to take off.” Tasmin waved, her hand in Race’s. “See you later. Mara, don’t block me on your phone. I now know where you live.”

I just groaned, refraining from comment as they went off in the opposite direction we were going.

Skylar burst out laughing. “She’s…she’s something. Yeah.”

My phone buzzed.

Cruz: Wanna come over?

“That Styles?”

I jerked my head up at Skylar’s question. She said it softly, cautiously. She held up a hand. “Sorry, but I saw the pictures.” Her two friends waved, taking off. Skylar returned the gesture before she turned to me again. “Miles also kinda informed us about your deal too.”

“Miles knew about Cruz?”

She nodded. “He said he saw you guys one time, but you didn’t know. So, you’re normally pretty private, right?”

I barked out a laugh. “I—I just like my own privacy, space. And I think something is wrong with me because everything I do has the opposite effect.”

“I’m sure there’s a reason you keep people at a distance, but you don’t have to with us. Your roommates, I mean. We’re all cool. For real. You know that. You’ve hung out with us. Also, you got me an ice cream cake. That solidifies that you’re good people in my books.”

“I’m …” God. There was no explanation that didn’t make me sound like a crazy person. “Thanks for that.”

Her eyes fell back to my phone. “You going to go see him?”

My body did, already heating up, knowing how it felt being in his arms. But I shook my head, tucking my phone back in my pocket. “No. I’m going to go home, maybe hang out with my roommates, and go to bed like the responsible college student I am. I’ve got morning classes tomorrow.”

She laughed. “I’m hoping to have a couple drinks tonight.”

“That too.”

I gave Skylar a ride home. We separated at the back doors. I went to my place first, telling her I’d join them in a bit, and she went through the main back door.

The light was on, and crossing the living room, I heard the toilet flush.

Then I registered that the bathroom door was closed.

Someone was in my apartment!

I froze.

The water turned on. Off.

I should run—I started for the door when the bathroom door opened, and my mom stepped out. She saw me, her eyes went wide, and she posed. Literally, posed. Hands on hips. She stuck a hip out and she puffed up her chest. She had the same body as mine, but the years hadn’t been totally kind to her. She had bags under her eyes, dark shadows, but a part of me wondered if she used make-up for the effect. Her hair had recently been dyed, this time she was going with a bright red color. It looked good on her. Then, a deep breath and, “OH MY GOD! MARA!” She rushed me, catching me before I’d taken two steps and wrapped her arms tight around me. “Oh my gosh. Honey. Sweetie. I have missed you so much. So, so much! It’s been forever.” She was squeezing me so hard.