
I would’ve gone past his truck, but he had parked it so we wouldn’t have to go past the front lawn. I could hear people out there so who knew who was all there.

Going around to the other side, I got in, and drew in a breath as I decided it was time to start handling some shit, no matter the time of night. I turned my phone on as he was reversing to the road.


Cruz paused the truck and rolled down his window. One of his teammates came over, but I focused on my phone though I could hear him grinning as he asked, “Where are you two headed?”

“Dropping her off, then I’m coming back.”

“Sweet. We gotta celebrate tonight. Though it looks like you alr–”

“Don’t go there.”

I paused at hearing Cruz’s dark tone, starting to go through the first text that showed up and looked up, seeing AJ Atwater looking me over. Messy blonde hair, a slight curl to it, and wide green eyes. His face was a little long. Tall, and a little gangly, but I knew he wasn’t gangly at all on the ice. I could guess what he was going to say and gave him a look. “Don’t be a dick, Atwater. You spread shit about me, and there’ll be payback. Real easy to tell a few of the right girls you got an STD. You hear me?”

I did not play with this shit. Ever.

Guys were total assholes. Doing their best, coaxing, being all nice for girls to have sex with them. Then when they did, the worst ones ruined the girls’ reputation, disrespecting them. I liked sex. I’d been having it for a long time. It’s how I handled my life, but I was safe. I picked decent guys, and I liked what Cruz and I had. He got off. I got off. He didn’t disrespect me, and I wasn’t a girl who wanted to be a girlfriend. It would work until assholes like this started saying shit.

He swallowed hard. “Right. I mean…right.”

Cruz said, “Keep your mouth shut. You know the deal.”

Atwater stood back, straightening, and he nodded quickly. “Sorry. Honestly. Post-game celebrations got to me. Meant no offense, Daniels, but it’d be fun if you came to a party every now and then. I know you’re cool to hang out with.”

I relaxed a little and gave him a small grin. “Maybe next time?”

“Cool, cool.”

I went back to my phone as he and Cruz had a small conversation. I tuned them out, hearing Atwater ask him something about hockey because that’s how these guys were. One was a jackass. Threats were made, then bam, after the apology, back to their normal guy chit chat.

I scrolled through my texts.

My dad.

Kit sent another couple texts.

A few other friends from high school, the girls I hadn’t spoken to since graduation.

Then, crap. Tasmin Shaw. I checked the time. She must’ve texted me after the game, but I scrolled through and didn’t see any other surprising texts.

“See you, man.”

Cruz and Atwater were finishing up.

I put my phone away, still hearing it buzz from my notifications. I waited till we’d driven a block. “I’m not in the dorm anymore.”

He glanced over, but there was no reaction. “Okay.”

I gave him directions until we were outside my new place. He leaned forward, scoping it out. “I’ve been here before.”

“Miles Gaynor lives here. There’s a place in the attic.”

“You’re in the attic?”

I nodded before opening the door and sliding out. “It’s not that bad. Like a small apartment.” I headed off, giving him a wave.

He waited till I got in my door. Once inside, I paused and listened to the house. It was silent. I hadn’t noticed any lights on from outside, but I went upstairs. And after taking another shower, I dressed in my pajamas, grabbed a bottle of wine, and curled up on my little couch with it.

I needed more numbing.



The party was still raging when I got back. I snuck in through a side door, but as soon as I cleared the doorway, Adam Labrowski was there. Our captain, and also on first line with me. His arm went around my shoulders. “Hey, man. Where’d you head off to?” He looked around me. “You didn’t bring any food back with you.”

“Styles. What’s up, man? Awesome game tonight.” Gavin Miller, who was not on the team with us, or even someone who lived in the house, held up a fist. He was from a frat on campus, and enjoyed partying with us. A lot.

“Hey, man.” I met his fist with mine, and said to Labrowski, “Is that a standard thing now? Every time we leave the house, we come back with food?”

He cracked a grin, his arm falling from my shoulders. “Nah, but that’d be awesome if we did that.”

AJ waved from the table where they were playing beer pong.