“Miller.” I kept going, dropping into my seat.

He paused until he went to sit by Mara.

“She coming?”

I shook my head, before I shrugged. “Not a fucking clue.”

And now I had to sit through class with a raging hard-on.



My phone buzzed at the same time someone knocked on my door.

I was just finishing dressing for the party, and came out of the bathroom when my door opened. Zoe came inside. I was speechless for a moment. She was in a full black leather suit with no back, just strips that ran over her shoulders, like the front of a halter top. Her whole face was shimmering with light glitter. It mixed perfectly with her skin tone. She had eyelashes on, and instead of the usual jewelry that adorned her during the day, she was naked. No rings. No earrings. No necklaces or bracelets. Nope. One piece of jewelry, a nose ring, and it was the smallest little diamond.

“Holy shit. You look amazing.”

She beamed, lacing her fingers together. I had to look, her shoes didn’t disappoint. They were black high heels. “It’s Skylar’s birthday today.”

My eyebrows shot up. “I didn’t know that. Are the roommates doing anything for her?”

“We could maybe do a roommate dinner tomorrow, but she didn’t want anyone to know. She doesn’t like to celebrate in a showy way.”

“Oh okay.” I was still going to get her a gift. I was weird. If people demanded gifts, I didn’t like giving them, but if they were like Skylar, I loved getting them presents. It was out of character for me, but I didn’t care. I liked Skylar and Zoe. They weren’t in my business, and instead had boundaries that almost rivaled myself. Plus, they were nice. “What’s up? What brings you to my door?”

“You’re going out?”

I nodded, checking over my outfit. A party at the hockey house was a little nerve wracking, and I rarely got nervous for parties. But Cruz would be there and with how we’d been lately, I wasn’t sure what to expect. We might not talk the whole night until at the end or… I didn’t know. I didn’t know what I wanted either. I’d enjoyed that he sat next to me in class, even if it was just for a bit, and then panicked because that was the whole point of how we needed to stop violating our own rules.

But I’d dressed accordingly, or tried. Black faux-leather leggings with pockets, ripped on some sections of my thighs and knees, and a few rips on the inside of my legs. On top was a simple white shirt, though it was transparent and hugged my entire frame. Under that was a black bra, and I ended it with tiny black shoes that looked like ballet slippers, but weren’t. They were ultra comfortable.

I was okay, but not in Zoe’s league.

“That’s why I came up. I was wondering if I could ask for a favor?”

“Of course.”

“Some of us girls in our group, we’re doing a party hop for Skylar’s birthday. We’re not going to be loud and do anything for attention, but we want to go to as many parties as possible and hang in each place. That’s it. I don’t know if we’ll even drink at every place, but I heard there’s a hockey party tonight.”

I nodded, getting a feel where she was going.

“You’re going, right? Miles mentioned it, said you know the team somewhat.”

“Yeah.” I coughed. “Somewhat.”

“Could we crash it? With you? Or you go, and we’ll come later, but you’ll be our in to get in? Would that be okay?”

Her eyes were wide and her own excitement levels were obvious. She was almost standing on her tiptoes.

I nodded. “Of course, but you don’t need me to get in there. Just show up. Trust me, they’ll let you in.”

She laughed, her voice hitching. “I’m not Skylar. She’s more extroverted, not shy. I’m the opposite. I get nervous before doing parties. We’ve had a whole day already. I baked her three of her favorite birthday cakes, and for breakfast, she had her favorite waffles in bed. I even handpicked a whole bouquet of flowers and snuck it in before the guys saw. She didn’t want a fuss made over her, but that’s what I love to do. Making a fuss over who I love.”

“You guys seem really happy together.”

“I am. I think she is. I love her, a lot.” She gave another beaming smile, her arms stretched out and she wiggled her fingers toward me. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She began edging back to the door. “I’ll give you a text when we’re close to the house.”

“You know where it is?”

Her laugh was abrupt. “Everyone knows where the hockey house is, even me.” One last wave. “See you later! And you look sexy as hell.”

That was nice to hear.