“Why is that always your go-to? I thought there was a basic foundation of consideration for friendship.”

Well, damn. He had me there.

I was going through the door but paused and stepped aside as a group of students were leaving. I shifted to the side, my arms folded over my chest. “Miller, you don’t act like a guy just wanting friendship.”

He was more wary, closing the distance between us. He stopped a few feet back. “Yeah. I can see it that way.” He gestured behind to where we’d come from. “What was that back there?”

“None of your business.”

He was studying me again before he looked into the food court. “What are you getting in there?”


“Because you didn’t get it back there?”

“You’re not wrong.”

Another long up and down motion of his head. “Because I was there?”

“Again. You’re not wrong.”

“Because you weren’t there to go on a date with Leander Carrington?”

I didn’t respond to that one.

“Hey, Mara.” Skylar was coming up the sidewalk with a few people. “What’s up? Don’t usually see you at the food court.”


“Oh yeah.” Her gaze skirted from me to Gavin. She said to him, “Hi. Gavin, right?”

“Hey. Yeah.”

She stopped walking and shot him a confused look before switching back to me. “Did you hear that screaming the other night?”

I went cold. “No.”

“Really? We couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. Felt like it was from your place. Were you watching a movie or something?”

“You know, I think I was. After studying, right?”


“I put on a horror movie, but I fell asleep. That’s probably what woke me up.”

“Oh.” She visibly relaxed. “We got a little scared there. Wasn’t sure what to do and we were in bed. I don’t think anyone else heard it so for a minute we were even thinking we had a ghost.”

“No one else heard it?”

“Wade went to Lindsay’s house. Darren didn’t say anything. And Miles was stoned.”

“Right.” Small blessings.

“Okay. Well, see you at home?”

Her friends had gone inside and were waiting. Skylar joined them, and I stared at Gavin.

He stared back, raising his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes but went in to get some coffee. Gavin followed me, and as I got my coffee, he paid for it. I didn’t fight him on it, and then, together, we went to wait outside the building of our morning class.

Cruz came over that night.

He came over Wednesday night.

Thursday night.

Friday and Saturday, he was gone for an away game.

He came over Sunday night.

And we repeated the next week, until Thursday.



“We gotta party Saturday night.”

I shot Atwater a look. “Dude. It’s too early to start talking about that shit.” I was giving him and Wes a ride to the rink for our six am practice. Wes was yawning. I was pissy, and AJ was bouncing in the truck. Which was making me even pissier.

“He’s going to rough you up in practice if you don’t stop fucking moving.”

“We should. After our game on Saturday. It’s been so long since we’ve had a party. If Adam is game, then we’re doing it.”

Wes and I shared a look. I was pretty sure it’d not been that long ago when we had a party, but AJ seemed worked up about it.

“I’m going to pitch it to the guys.”

I said, “Wait till after practice, and don’t let Coach hear you.”

Wes grunted his agreement.

“I’m going to invite Daniels too.”

Wes started laughing. “Now he’s for sure going to rough you up.”

AJ didn’t seem bothered, glancing my way. “That cool with you? It was fun with her at laser tag.”

I just growled because I had nothing else to say. Why he wanted to invite my very much not-friends with benefits chick, I had no clue. But he did. And I was remembering how it felt sliding into her last night. How sweet she felt, clutched around me.

“Why are you inviting Daniels? She’s not yours to invite, man. She got a friend you’re into or something?”

AJ frowned, his head cocking to the side. “I don’t know.”

Both Wes and I groaned because that answer was definitely not the one we expected. No one was out driving, but I still hit the turn signal, heading toward the parking lot for our entrance.

“Now you have to tell us the real reason.”

I was enjoying that Wes was speaking for me.

AJ shrugged. “She’s not partied with us in a while. I think it’s time.”

“We’re in the middle of our season. We can’t have a big party.” I pointed out, pulling into a parking slot, and turning the engine off.

As we unloaded and began heading in, AJ shrugged again. “Ryerson made a comment. That’s why.”

I frowned, remembering the connection between Ryerson to his girlfriend, to who her brother was, and to Mara. I paused. “Wait.”

Both did.

“What did he say?”

He shrugged again. “Just that Taz was asking how she was doing.”

What the fuck? The phone call I overheard between Mara and Race’s girlfriend had not ended on a good note. “You need to say more than that. I know a little about Mara’s deal with Ryerson’s girlfriend. She won’t come if you invite her. I have to be the one to do it.”