Page 113 of Hockey With Benefits

Mara’s hand slid into my back pocket, and she stood next to me.

Wade shoved through the crowd.

Darren lingered before jerking his head toward Miles. “We gotta go with him.”

“But.” Miles glanced my way.

“We’re his boys. Let’s go.” He held his fist out to me. I met it with one of mine, and then to Mara. She did the same, giving him the cutest smile. He grinned back. “We’ll see you tomorrow maybe?”

She nodded. “Make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.”

Darren ran a hand over the top of his head. “Nah. He ain’t like that. He’s just…hurting.”

Miles remained, his eyes hard on Mara. “Was it you?”

She tensed, her hand pressing against me. She hesitated, then shook her head. “It wasn’t me.”

Relief cleared in his gaze, and his head dipped in one firm nod before he finished his beer. He handed his empty glass to Mara. “Then, what Darren said.”

They left, and the crowd was starting to disperse, when suddenly there was a screech of brakes. Then another, and another.

“Oh.” A guy called out, running inside. “We have incoming.” He went straight to the kitchen, finding Zeke. “Alpha Mu guys. I’m thinking they drove here.”

Zeke spared me a look. “You know what this is about?”

Mara growled, stepping in front of me. “Me.”



Carrington led the way.

He was followed by a bunch of his brothers, and at the same time a lot of Zeke’s own fraternity brothers pushed to the forefront too.

Flynn gave Cruz a measured look, which was returned. Then, his eyes found me and all niceties vanished.

God. I gulped.

He came straight for me, shoving people aside so he landed smack dab in front of me, or he would’ve. His finger was up, he was pointing it right at me, until Cruz stepped in. As fast as Flynn had been coming at me, Cruz was walking him backwards, saying, “Step back, man.”

Flynn went. He didn’t fight it. It happened so quick.

Atwater, Barclay, and the other guys from his team swarmed right after him.

They weren’t alone. Zeke got in front of me, and I looked, seeing the rest of my roommates. Skylar. Zoe. Kit and Burford too, a bunch of other Kappa girls. Leander, Flynn’s brother was in the mix as well, but in the middle. Not like Gavin, who stood at the back. Leander had his hands out, like he wanted to keep the peace. He was looking between everyone, but seeing me seeing him, he gave me a sad smile.

That was all I needed.

I mirrored him.

Flynn saw it, screaming, “DON’T FUCKING SMILE AT MY BROTHER!” He lunged for me.

Cruz met him, shoving him back, and growled. “I told you to step back.”

He hit his arm down, growling right back. “I don’t need to fucking—” He didn’t finish because he swung on Cruz. Who ducked, and who punched back. Flynn didn’t duck.

All hell broke loose after that.

Alpha Mu guys were fighting the Grant West hockey team.

Zeke’s frat was in the mix.

There was shoving.

Two guys started trading hits, migrating toward me. An arm came around my waist. I was lifted, carried out of there.

“Hey! Stop. Put me down.” I twisted, saw Gavin, and shoved back at him. “Let go of me.”

He did, in the doorway and out of the kitchen. Skylar, Zoe, and Tasmin surrounded us.

I was trying to watch the fight, but snapped at Gavin, “Nice of you to fucking show up. I thought we were friends.”

“We are.” He snapped back, then added, with less of a bite, “I thought so too.”

“Your leader in there is trying to ruin my life.”

“I didn’t know he was going to do that. I didn’t. I–” He twisted his head to see what was going on, then cursed. “Screw it. Did he actually hurt her or not? What Flynn is saying makes no sense. Leander tried to tell me there’s more to the story.”

“Of course there’s more to the story, like the fact that there’s really a girl that he hurt. How about that? And no, Gavin. I’m not spilling who it is. That’s a really shitty thing to do to someone. As your friend, I shouldn’t have to tell you that. You should just know by knowing me.”

“But do I?” He flung his hands out. “You don’t let anyone in.”

“You got in!” I shoved at his chest. “Cruz got in. And you’re not paying attention.” I motioned around. “I’ve got friends. I let them in, and thanks to your asshole brother in there, everyone has an idea how messed up my home life is.”

“What are you talking about?”

I started laughing, hard, brutal, and ugly. These weren’t happy laughs. “Are you kidding me?”


“Miller.” Skylar handed over her phone. I was guessing it was the blog.

He took it, his eyes going wide, but he went still.

“WHERE IS SHE? WHERE IS SHE?” Flynn was screaming from the kitchen.

He was being held back by a bunch of guys. Cruz was bleeding from his face, but he was still standing, and he wasn’t being held back. Zeke and a couple hockey guys were in front of him, making sure he couldn’t get past them to Flynn.