Chapter Six
I’d put Emme to bed and was curled under my covers, trying to read, but all I could think about was Sebastian. His broad arms and salt-and-pepper hair always looked both in place and disheveled. The way his lopsided grin reached his eyes and made the blue irises shine with fevered magnetism. I traced the edge of my lips where I swore I could still feel the heat of his mouth on mine.
Three weeks had passed since I’d seen him. Our conversations during that time had consisted of a few texts here and there, all limited to details about Emme.
But I heard him when he came in from work each night, well after midnight. He always peeked in on Emme, whose room was adjoined to mine. And sometimes, I thought I heard him pause outside my door for a beat. I wondered if he thought of me when his head hit the pillow like I did him. Some nights, I’d been so turned on by the thought of his lips on me that I’d swept my fingers between my thighs until I was ragged with uneven breaths and coming in waves of forbidden bliss.
But that night, as I lay in bed reading the same page of my book for the millionth time, a soft knock came at my door. I jumped out of bed, startled by the sudden sound. Grabbing my robe, I opened the door slowly, even though I wanted to tear it apart to see Sebastian again.
“Good evening, Sarena.” His deep, raspy voice saying my name sent a thrill through me.
“Is everything okay? Do you need something? Is it Emme?” I asked, not sure why else he would be knocking on my bedroom door, his eyes heavy on me. Sure, I wanted him to declare how badly he needed me and missed me, but he’d made it clear I was nothing more than an employee, and he was nothing more than my boss. All my fantasies were daydreams that would never come to fruition.
I should pretend I was dating Wentworth. That idea seemed to work him up the other night. The memory of that seemed to be tattooed on my lips.
“Everything is fine. Emme is still fast asleep. I’d like you to join me for a drink.”
“A drink? You know…” I hesitated, realizing how far apart in age we were and how extra filthy that made all of my thoughts about him late at night. “You know I-I’m only twenty, right?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest to feel less vulnerable.
He laughed, rich and booming. Instinctively, I put the palm of my hand against his mouth to silence the sound.
“Shhh! You’re going to wake her up.”
He gently removed my hand from his mouth, holding it tenderly before pulling me closer. My blood heated at the proximity of someone so virile and all-consuming.
I lowered my eyes, ashamed of my thoughts and not wanting to get caught up in his gaze.
“Don’t do that.” He tipped my chin back, forcing my eyes to meet his. “Don’t hide from me.”
“You…” I paused and shook my head. “You can’t tell me what to do. I’m here to take care of Emme. That’s it, remember?”
“I’m well aware of what I said. But unfortunately, things between you and me are a little more complicated. Now, I want you to join me for a drink. Would you prefer hot cocoa, coffee, or tea?”
His question aggravated me. Annoyance and confusion mixed with rage boiled in my stomach, burning like acid.
“Fuck you.” I pulled my hand from his and turned away, slamming the door.
But the door didn’t close because he’d managed to lodge his foot there.
“You’re pretty agile for an old man,” I spat, angry that his overly expensive Italian loafers had prevented my dramatic exit.
“From how you talked to Wentworth, I assumed old men were your thing.”
“At least he knows what he wants. He doesn’t go around acting like an idiotic teenager. Maybe I should call Wentworth and see what he’s doing tonight. I’m sure he won’t kiss me and then tell me to go to bed.”
“Watch your mouth, little girl, or I’ll be forced to take you over my knee and show you some manners,” he said, his voice calm with a hint of menace.
I didn’t know why, but his authoritative response did things to my body. It made me hot and needy. But I wouldn’t cower to this man like a pathetic schoolgirl with stars in her eyes.
I stepped up to him, ready to go toe to toe, to play a game of chicken that I was sure he didn’t want to partake in. “I’d like to see you try.”
Sebastian’s mouth turned up, and his warm eyes flashed dangerously. At that moment, I knew there was more to him than he allowed those in his circle to see. If I pushed a little more, would he drop the mask and unleash who he really was?