“This is the best day of my life! Even better than my birthday!”
“Even better than your birthday, huh?” I scooped Emme up, hugging her close as I wrapped an arm around Sarena’s waist. “I have the best family.”
The small crowd of friends clapped and cheered as a server pushed through the doors with a giant cake. The initials of our family were piped in the center with our names written in strawberry drizzle.
“Whoa!” Emme’s eyes grew to the size of the cake plate before I slid her down to the floor, and she took off to get a closer view of the cake.
“Her adoption isn’t the only thing worth celebrating today,” Sarena hummed at my side.
“Oh, yeah?” I breathed at her neck. “I can think of a hundred reasons to celebrate you.”
Sarena grinned, her eyes twinkling as I swayed my hips against hers.
“Daddy! Come look—the cake has our names on it!” Emme gestured me over.
“I know. Isn’t it cool, baby?” I turned back to my wife, preoccupied with her always.
“But, Daddy, you have to come see—it’s not just our names.”
Sarena winked at me before slipping out of my arms and taking off for the cake table.
I followed after her. “Let’s see these names. I told them Emme, Mommy, and Daddy when I ordered the cake. Did they misspell my name?”
Emme’s pretty ringlets spun around her head when she shook it with a laugh. “No, look closer, silly.”
I did, wondering if the cake designer had fucked up one of our names. Instead, I found something else entirely: Daddy, Mommy, Emme, and Baby.
“Wait a minute—”
“It’s not just my adoption day, Daddy.” Emme’s sweet eyes sparkled up at me.
“You mean…?” I spun to Sarena, my palms on her soft stomach instantly.
She nodded, her eyes wet with happy tears.
“We’re going to have a baby!” Emme shrieked, throwing her arms in the air before running around the table and kicking the pink balloons in her way. “I already asked God for a sister. I want a house of all girls!”
My eyes rounded at the thought. “How is this possible?”
“Your sperm are miracle workers, I guess.” Sarena laughed under her breath.
“No, baby, you are the miracle worker. You brought me back to life and gave it back to me in the form of this beautiful family. The most beautiful miracle in the world, my wife.” My hands crawled down her curvy form under her snug sweater dress. “Mmm, is it time to go home and celebrate the new arrival yet, Twinkle Toes?”
She giggled into my shoulder. I knew my use of that nickname since the early days never failed to make her smile and turn her on at the same time. She knew I used it against her in public, especially at times like this.
“You're insatiable.”
I caught her earlobe between my teeth and hummed. “I'm always hungry for you. Now let's eat this cake so we can go home, and I can have my real dessert.”
Second Epilogue
Sarena–Thirteen Years Later
“I can’t do it, Sarena… Don’t make me go out there. I’m not ready.” My husband’s worried eyes tracked across the room to land at the door.
“Babe.” I tried to contain my smile.
Watching Sebastian Vaughn squirm was a sight. Thirteen years had been kind to him—and it had gone by in a flash. The salt and pepper at his temples and how his eyes crinkled when he laughed lit bolts of happiness in my heart.
But having kids also made my husband the biggest worrywart on the planet. “You have to face him. We have to see them off and take a few photos.”
“I won’t be able to bear it. If she’s not fully covered from head to toe, Sarena, they’ll have to take me to jail.”
“Stop.” I patted his arm while slowly leading him to the door. “Don’t make a scene. You’re being such a drama queen. This is just prom. Don’t you remember your prom night?”
“Yes!” he huffed, digging his feet in before I could turn the doorknob. “She’s lucky I’m letting her out of the house.”
I frowned, crossing my arms. “Listen here, you big fucking caveman. She’s eighteen now, and this is the only prom she’s gonna get after you forbid her from going to her junior one. Of course, she’s covered from head to toe. She’s my daughter too. I wouldn’t let her out in anything indecent, but so help me, Sebastian Vaughn, I won’t let you ruin this for her. You’ve already met Charlie. You know he’s a good guy. You work with his dad. What more could you ask for?”
“Emme belongs in a convent. Emme’s been praying for a prom date, and I’ve been praying for the nunnery.” The dejected look on his face made me choke on a laugh.
“You’re a sight, Sebastian. I don’t know what I got myself into with you some days.” I tapped his cheek, but he caught my wrist, dusting kisses along the inside and sending sparks through my veins.