A slow smile came across her lips, and she nodded. “Well, it looks like I’ll be making a picnic for three.”

Chapter Thirteen


Divine; the only word that could describe Sarena. Beautiful or pretty didn’t cut it.

She looked like a fucking Angel as she laughed and rolled in the dirt with Emme. Everything seemed to come as second nature to Sarena.

Even how she sucked cock was holy because her mouth moving up and down my dick was paradise. I was confident I could die this minute, and nothing would top her lips on my dick. Just thinking about it had my cock twitching, demanding to be free.

“You’ve got a pretty little family, Seb.”

My blood chilled at the familiar voice. Bryce. The head of the Salvino family. A guy who, at one time, I would have taken a bullet for and not thought twice about it. I clenched my jaw and ground my teeth as I surged to my feet, looking him square in the face. “What do you want, Bryce?”

“Is that any way to greet an old friend?”

I laugh in his face as I lift my shirt and point at my side. “It’s how you greet the mother fucker who stabbed you with an eight-inch knife and left you bleeding in a back alley in the Bronx.”

Bryce lit a cigarette, and the smoke shrouded his face momentarily. “I did you a favor. If they didn’t think you were gonna die, they would have kicked your head in until you did. Besides, who do you think called 911 and made sure you didn’t bleed out?”

“Should I drop to my knees and suck your dick cause you didn’t let your best friend bleed the fuck out? We were like brothers, and you stood and watched as they did everything under the sun to me.”

“You wanted out. You knew the rules when you got jumped in. They fuckin’ beat you black and blue to welcome you into the family. Did you think they were gonna send you off with hugs and kisses?”

His steel-gray eyes moved from me to Emme and Sarena. My fists clenched at my sides. I was no longer the most sought-after attorney in Manhattan. I was the street kid who could use his fists to get out of anything.

“Relax, slugger. No one’s here to fuck your shit up.”

“I haven’t seen you in fifteen years. I’m not sure what the fuck you want. I don’t believe this is a coincidence cause you and I know that shit doesn’t exist.”

He looked at the three teens lurking in the playground. “I’m here for business.”

Bile and disgust rose in my throat. I’d done a lot of fucked up things, but I drew the line at drugs. When I was with the gang, it was the one thing we didn't do. We dealt in pussy, guns, and muscle work but never got people hooked. “You’re that low now that you're slinging to kids?”

Bryce took another drag of his smoke. “Nah. I don’t fuck with dope. I’m here to take care of them.”

I stuck out my hand. “Give me a dollar.”

The corners of his eyes crinkled, and he laughed. “Aren’t you some big-shot lawyer?”

“Give me a dollar so you’ve got privilege, motherfucker. Unless you want me to sing like a canary if the cops ever question me.”

He ground the smoke under the toe of his shoe before pulling his leather wallet from his black jeans and handing me a hundred. “They’ve been dealing all around the city. A new gang out of New Mexico. We’ve been watching them.”

I nodded.

“How old was she when you knocked her up? She looks like she just got out of high school. Never figured you were a perve, but I guess that’s how the rich are.”

“She’s not my kid. She’s Chloe’s.”

Bryce’s face lit up as he smiled, his eyes focused on Emme. “She’s got the same crazy hair. How is Chloe?”


Bryce tugged at his hair, putting it in disarray. “Jesus, I’m sorry, brother. How did it happen?”

I hated talking about Chloe because it hurt like hell to remember. Chloe was the only person who knew me, inside and out. She was my ride-or-die. I missed my sister but was grateful that Emme hadn’t been with her and Tom in the car. That little girl had created a giant space reserved just for her in my heart.

“Car crash. Her and her husband.” I forced the words out.

“So, is the girl the nanny?”

I nod.

“Mind if I take a crack at her? She’s cute.”

Before I could think better of it, I whirled and slammed Bryce to the ground. With my hand around his throat, I pulled my fist back, ready to break his face. “Don’t look at her. Don’t think about her. Don’t even breathe in her direction. If you do, I swear to God, I’ll kill you. You feel me, brother?”