“Never said anything about sleep,” Harley says, drawing a blush to Alyssa’s cheeks before he guides her away.

Aro follows behind them, his reliance on the cane more prominent than it was when he entered the bar earlier.

“Another beer?”

“And a drink for this lovely lady,” the man says, as he gives a sexy smile to the woman sitting a few stools down.

“No thanks,” she mutters, barely lifting her head enough to acknowledge him.

I do my best not to laugh when he looks back at me, his face a mask of confusion and shock.

These guys don’t get shot down that often. Because of their success rate in picking up women, especially at Jake’s, it’s always a little surprising when women don’t take the bait.

She’s a stronger person than I am because turning any of them down would be nearly impossible for me.

I pass Ugly his beer, taking another long look at him, and realize just how much trouble I’m in when I snap my mouth closed rather than opening it to flirt with him. It doesn’t feel right to kiss Boomer in the hallway and then flirt with one of his friends, and that isn’t like me at all.

My stomach turns a little with the realization.

“I’m closing the bar tonight,” I begin. “But if you’re still around when I get off work, I can give you a ride home.”

“Thanks, man,” he says as he raps his knuckles on the bar before walking away.

The man took my offer as exactly what it was because I didn’t add a wink or say it in a flirty tone, despite feeling like I should’ve to get back whatever piece of myself that I’ve unwittingly already offered to Boomer.

I busy myself making drinks, chatting with customers, and working on the things I can prep for tomorrow.

The night is slow, the excitement and action happening too early in my shift to make it go by faster.

There’s no drama or fights to break up, only the regulars and the one woman I didn’t recognize that Ugly tried to pick up not long ago.

The man must’ve found someone to give him a ride home because I haven’t seen him for the last half hour. It’s no big deal. It’s not like the guy would invite me into the clubhouse. Rumor is that not many people outside of the club are allowed, and if they are given temporary permission, it’s because they’re hooking up with one of the members.

Movement from the corner of my eye catches my attention, and I turn to see Ugly coming from the hallway, looking a little lighter on his feet than he did the last time I saw him.

The woman I didn’t recognize earlier clearly changed her mind. I notice when she follows behind him a couple feet with a smile on her face as she wipes at her lips with the back of her hand. The woman went from being annoyed he offered to buy her a drink to looking completely starstruck at the opportunity to suck him off in a bar bathroom. I swear these guys have been blessed with some kind of voodoo when it comes to enticing women.

“Looks like you won’t be needing that ride home,” I tell Ugly as I pour him another beer.

“She’s going to need a cab,” he mutters, his mood changing drastically from just a moment ago.

“She’s drunk?” I ask through clenched teeth.

I only served her one drink, but it’s always possible someone else bought her some and I didn’t notice.

“She’s married,” he says, sounding rightfully annoyed with my assumption. “She had a friend drop her off at the bar. She didn’t drive.”

“She told you she was married?” I ask, leaning a little closer because I’m a sucker for drama.

He shakes his head. “Saw the tan line on her ring finger when she was working my cock.”

“You looked a little too happy coming out of the hallway for a man that put a stop to getting some action because a woman is married.”

He scoffs. “Put an end to it? She took the vows, not me.”

I shake my head at the audacity, unable to keep from smiling.

“Careful,” I say, darting my eyes to the side where the woman is sitting, her eyes still a little dreamy as she watches Ugly. “She already looks a little in love with you.”

The cocky bastard winks at me. “They always do.”

He takes a seat on the barstool, purposely ignoring the woman, while I shoot a text to the cab company through their app to order her a ride.

The woman slips Ugly her phone number before she leaves, smiling like she’s won the lottery. I can’t imagine the damn predicament the woman is going to put herself in because she hooked up with a Cerberus member. I know all of them have been loyal and devoted once they fall in love, but some of them are dogs and downright scoundrels before they take that leap. Ugly is no exception.