“I know he’s in love, but I’m going to play hard to get,” Maude says, her voice distant and dreamy.

“I think that’s a great plan,” I tell her, before heading down to the other end of the bar to take the drink order for a couple of women that just entered.

“Ladies,” I say as I approach, my best, tip-earning smile in place despite not feeling very jovial.

I would’ve been fine. My mood was perfect when I came downstairs earlier. There’s just something about sharing space with him and being completely annoyed that he has the ability to drive me a little insane.

“Wow,” one of the women says, unconcerned with me noticing the way her eyes scrape down the length of me. “The bartender at the other bar was right. You’re really fucking hot.”

I make a mental note to thank Roger later for sending them my way. I think a glitter bomb sent to the bar on liquor delivery day would work best.

“I hear you’re wild in bed,” another one slurs, making it very clear if her friend hadn’t even said anything about the other bar, that Jake’s definitely isn’t their first stop on their crawl tonight.

“I snore,” I tell her with a smile, wondering who else they’ve been talking to. Roger would never talk about me and sex in the same sentence. He’d be too afraid people would connect the dots that would lead people right to his mostly closed closet door. “What can I get you to drink?”

“I want a Leg Spreader,” the first woman says.

“I’ll have a Lick Her Right,” the third woman says for the first time.

“We’re out of orange vodka,” I lie. “How about a rum and Coke?”

The woman scrunches her nose. “What about a Dick Sucker?”

I clear my throat, my patience very thin with them. I know it has more to do with Boomer than anything. The way the women are acting is nothing new. Honestly, it’s a nightly occurrence for people to speak suggestively to me.

“How about a round of Sex with the Bartender,” I suggest, trying to get myself out of the shitty mood I’m in.

They cheer, the first woman asking for a double. I know I’ll pour hers a little weaker than normal because she’s already slurring her words.

As I step away, I notice a couple waiting to be served that wasn’t there moments ago. I put on a different smile, one that won’t alarm the man, because flirting with a guy’s girl when he’s been drinking is always a bad choice.

“What can I get you?” I ask, placing coasters down in front of each of them.

“I’ll take a beer. Whatever you have on tap.”

I look to the woman next, her eyes wider than I normally see in the bar. “And for you?”

“I think an angel shot for me.”

I nod in her direction, my heart racing as I look over her shoulder.

“Do you know which kind of liquor you’d like in that?”

She shakes her head.

“We have a wide selection. Rochelle, can you help her pick the flavor of her drink?”

Without looking confused, Rochelle rounds the bar toward the woman.

“We have a pink champagne that’s to die for,” she says as she takes the woman’s hand. “But if you’re not into bubbly drinks, then I’d suggest the…”

Her words trail off as they walk toward the back.

“Give me just a second,” I tell the man. “Have to get some drinks made for those ladies down there before they cause a scene.”

He grumbles about having to wait as I look over his shoulder, making eye contact with Ugly.

I’m not surprised that they saw Rochelle escort the woman away. It happens more often than it should.

I busy myself making the drinks, but I hear the scrape of the bar stool beside the guy.

I drop off the drinks to the group of already drunk women before pouring the guy’s beer.

“Here you go,” I tell him.

“And the drink for my lady?” the guy asks, his brow drawing in as he looks around. “Where did she go?”

“To the rest room I think,” I lie, knowing that the woman is safe in the employee area with Rochelle.

She ordered an angel shot, meaning she was feeling unsafe in her current situation. It doesn’t necessarily mean the guy she’s with is a criminal or a bad guy, but at the very least, she felt uncomfortable and wanted to get out of the situation.

“You like the Raiders?” Ugly asks, pointing to the team logo on the man’s baseball cap.

I can’t help the disappointment that washes over me that it wasn’t Boomer who approached the bar to help in this situation.

The guy chuckles as he takes a sip of beer. “Not really. My nephew got me the hat for my birthday. Didn’t want to disappoint the little guy.”

Ugly nods and smiles and lifts a finger, appearing to order a beer. I pour him one, knowing that he’ll distract the guy while the woman that arrived with him gets a safe ride home.