I barely have time to guzzle a cup of coffee before pulling on my long black robe. I rush through the back hall toward the main courtroom and push the door open with one minute to spare.

What the fuck? I almost trip when I glance across the courtroom. My heart beats double time in my chest, and I quickly sit behind the bench before my knees give out. The curvy little brunette sitting in the front row is fucking stunning. And all fucking mine. Where the hell did that come from?

Shock courses through my soul as my eyes roam from the top of her caramel curls past her luscious tits and down her absolutely perfect curvy frame. The banister hides most of her sweet frame, pissing me the fuck off. I want to see all of her. She’s too far away for me to make out the color of her gorgeous almond-shaped eyes. I give my head a little shake, trying to clear the cobwebs filling my mind, but visions of her sprawled across the bench while I lose myself in her tight pussy run through my mind.

Now I know I’m losing my fucking marbles. I’ve never had these indecent thoughts during a court session before. The court clerk calls the session to order, and I paste a bored look on my face as Melissa calls the first case. I groan to myself when Charlotte “Letty” Matheson, the beautiful girl in the front row, stands and smooths her hands down the front of her tight black skirt before walking up to the defense table. I drag my eyes away from her perfect frame and force myself to listen while the prosecutor explains the case against her. I’m not really sure if I’m more pissed or impressed. My curvy little repeat offender has been caught speeding four times in a two-month period. The list of her traffic offenses is mind-blowing. She’s a regular menace to society, and I plan to tame my little lawbreaker.

I’m not sure where that crazy thought came from, but I already know there’s no fighting the pull between us. The fifteen people in the room with us do nothing to cool my jets. Thank God for the long black robe and bench that hide the evidence of my arousal from the entire courtroom. Walking around with a hard-on is definitely not the way I wanted to introduce myself to the Silver Spoon Falls court system.

When she steps up to the podium to explain herself, I grip the edge of my seat and listen while she speaks. Her smoky voice fills the courtroom, setting my blood aflame. Hunger unlike I’ve ever known courses through me.

“Let me get this straight.” I halt her endless babble. This close, I can see her eyes are mossy green. “Your vehicle’s speedometer is broken, so instead of getting it fixed, you’ve been speeding through town, risking your life and everyone else’s lives?” Her gorgeous eyes widen as my roar fills the courtroom. Well, that was more aggressive than I intended, but the thought of her getting hurt causes my heart to squeeze tight in my chest.

I want to kick my own ass when her stunning green eyes fill with tears while her bottom lip wobbles. “I’m sorry.”

I have to look away as anger flows through me. Anger at myself for making my girl cry. Staring at the prosecutor, I ask, “Where is the ticketing officer?” I look around, expecting to see the sheriff step forward, but he isn’t in the courtroom.

“Sheriff Armstrong had an emergency this morning and couldn’t be here.” I almost roll my eyes at Harlen Jeffry as he asks for a miracle. “I’d like to ask for a continuance so Sheriff Armstrong can attend.”

“That isn’t how we do things,” I remind him unnecessarily. If the officer isn’t in court, I have to rule in favor of the defendant. Turning to my girl, I force a bored look on my face. “You’re free to go, Ms. Matheson, but I’d recommend that you get your speedometer fixed.” Her entire body relaxes as I continue. “Next time, you won’t be so lucky.” It’s a moot point. I’m going to make sure there’s no fucking next time. My woman will not be driving around in an unsafe vehicle.

“Thank you, Your Honor.” She almost trips over her own feet rushing out of the courtroom. As I watch her flee, I promise to hunt her down and lay down the rules as soon as I get through the rest of my first day in the Silver Spoon Falls Courthouse. Little Ms. Charlotte Matheson isn’t going to make a clean break from me. I plan to do society a favor and tie the curvy little lawbreaker to me for life.

Chapter 3


Judge Ashford is definitely grouchy, but he isn’t old. Not the least little bit. I was expecting a distinguished, slightly grumpy, older man, not the drop-dead gorgeous, thirty-something hottie who walks into the courtroom and turns my bones to goo. His deep blue eyes stare holes through my shocked body as he sits behind the large bench at the front of the courtroom. I momentarily forget all about my legal troubles while concentrating on the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. My stupid eyes refuse to look away, and my body sparks to life as I take in his square, beard-covered jaw. There is no doubt in my mind that his long black robe is hiding a well-built body. I can’t believe these insane feelings roaring through me. All kinds of steamy fantasies fill my mind, causing my face to heat.