I couldn’t help but chuckle. “I don’t think anything like that.”

Hollie raised a single brow and then focused back on Benny and the young woman.

“Ya want to have your book club here?” he asked. “In the pub?”

The woman nodded. “Yes. And we’d pay ya since our group is large.”

I could see Benny’s mind going a mile a minute. “What day of the week is your book club?”


It was the slowest day of the week at the pub, so I knew Benny would agree.

“You’re more than welcome to hold your meeting here. But ya don’t have to be paying. Just buy a few pints and we’ll call it good.”

The young woman blushed. “That’s very kind of ya. Casey speaks fondly of ya.”

“Does she?” Benny asked, causing the young girl to blush even more.

“Yes, she does. I was wondering if you’re ever free to go out to dinner or maybe even breakfast.”

Benny’s brows rose. “Are ya asking me out?”

She nodded.

“I can do breakfast, if it’s early enough, but I should tell ya, I’m dating Casey right now.”

It was my turn to raise my brows. According to Benny earlier, they’d only been fucking.

Handing him what looked to be a business card, the woman said, “Me name is Karen.”

Benny picked up the card. “Nice to meet ya, Karen. I’ll call ya then.”

A brilliant smile appeared on her face. She walked past us and started to giggle with the other girls as they all left. Spinning in her seat, Hollie looked at Benny, then back to the door. She looked utterly confused, then panicked. When she looked at me, my stomach dropped, and I instantly knew what she was up to.

“What did you do, Hollie?” I asked.

“What? I don’t know what you mean.”

Leaning in closer to her, I whispered, “You put a spell on him, didn’t you?”

She dug her upper teeth into her lower lip as she blinked rapidly and looked everywhere but at me.

“Hollie!” I whispered-shouted. “I told you not to put a spell on him.”

“I needed to do something to help him, and when I talked to Sarah about it, she said I had to make up the spell myself. It was a wealth spell!”

I closed my eyes and groaned. “A wealth of what? Sex?”

“No! Of course not!” she spat back at me. “What is wrong with me? Why do my spells keep turning out all wrong?”

I closed my eyes once again and counted to ten. When I opened them, Hollie was watching Benny.

“Why do you think he’s smiling down at his phone like that?” she asked.

“God only knows.” I sighed. “Hollie, we can’t reverse the spell, because if we even attempt to tell Benny you’re a witch he’ll never let us in here again!”

“We don’t have to reverse it. Let me call Sarah and find out what went wrong.”

“What went wrong?” I whispered-shouted again. “You did yet another spell!”

She shot me a dirty look before she got up and headed out of the pub. When Benny walked over, he was shaking his head.

“I’ve died and gone to heaven. Casey wants to have a threesome with Karen.”

I was positive my jaw hit the bar. Maybe I should pretend that Hollie never put a spell on Benny. It seemed to be working out fine for him.

“Are you going to?”

He looked at me with an expression of pure shock. “How could ya even ask that? Hell yes, I’m going to.”

What in the hell kind of spell did Hollie put on Benny?


Pacing the living room in our flat, I went over the spell in my head.

“What exactly did it say?” Lucas asked.

“I wrote it down, hold on.” I rushed over to my notebook and pulled it out. “Here, this is it.”

He read the spell on the paper.

A fourth leaf cloverA wad of cashA money clip to store it fastLight it on fire and listen to me, all good will and fortune go unto thee.

Bring Benny loads of luck

And please don’t let this spell suck.

Good fortune to fall on my Irish friend

Hang on tight, Benny

This spell will break the trend.

He glanced up at me. “Please don’t let this spell suck?”

Shrugging, I replied, “I mean it couldn’t hurt to add it, right?”

Lucas sighed then looked back at the spell. “I mean, you do say good fortune.”

Chewing on my lip, I asked, “You don’t think it’s just a coincidence?”

He raised his brows. “Pictures of his feet? A threesome?”

“Wait…a threesome? When did that happen?”

He pushed his hand through his hair. “Karen and Casey—I guess they want to have a bit of fun with Benny.”

I felt myself blush. “A bit of fun?”

He shrugged.

“Damn it!” I started to pace again. “This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. He was supposed to come into some cash. Not sex.”

“Did you talk to Sarah?”

I shook my head. “No. I’m afraid to call her because then she’s going to give me a lecture about how I shouldn’t be putting spells on people.”