I had made a mental note to tell Hollie not to sit at the left end of the bar or at the table in the back-left corner.

“She’s coming over to me place later tonight. This time I plan on fucking her in me bed.”

I was beginning to wonder if I should keep track of how many times Benny had said fuck.

“It was the best fucking night of me life.”

Nodding, I replied, “You mentioned that.”

Hollie walked up and smiled as she slid onto the barstool.

“What did I miss?” she asked, looking between me and Benny.

I cleared my throat and said, “Apparently, Benny and his ex had a bit of fun in the pub last night. At that end of the bar—” I pointed to it—“and then again at that table over there in the corner.”

Leaning in, I said, “Don’t ever sit at either spot. They had sex there.”

“Sex?” Hollie practically shouted. “That was it? Just sex?”

Benny’s eyes went wide. “Just sex? It was the best night of me life. She was…”

He let his words trail off.

“She was what? Rich? Offered to become partners with you?” Hollie asked as Benny and I both looked at her with a confused expression.

“No,” Benny replied. “We just fucked.”

I was pretty sure he was up to seven fucks.

“Why would you think she’d become partners with him?” I asked Hollie.

She shrugged. “I don’t know. He seemed so happy. I wasn’t aware that sex could make you so happy the day after.”

Benny smiled. “Hell yeah, it was the kind of sex that…”

“Okay, I think we get it.” I held up my hand to keep him from going on. “How about two orders of shepherd’s pie if you still have some.”

“I do!” Benny turned and headed to the kitchen.

I looked at Hollie and let out a chuckle. “I’m going to guess it’s been a while since our boy Benny had sex—or this Casey girl was the one who got away.”

Hollie giggled. “I’d say both.”

After bringing us our food, Benny went down to the other end of the bar to help the two men who’d just walked in and sat down. Poor bastards had no idea what Benny had done on that bar less than twenty-four hours ago.

An older couple sat down next to Hollie and the four of us soon fell into a conversation. They had spent some time in America and wanted to know all about Salem and the history of the witches. Little did they know, they were talking to an actual witch.

After they left, I pulled out some money to pay for our meal and Benny walked back over.

“I got the strangest email a few minutes ago,” he said.

“What was it?” Hollie asked.

“Some lady wants to pay me nearly five-hundred euros for a picture of me feet.”

“What?” I asked on a burst of laughter. “Are you sure it was your feet and not your…”

“Lucas!” Hollie hit me playfully on the chest.

“No, it was me feet. Apparently, some people are into that.”

Looking confused, Hollie asked, “Into it how exactly?”

Benny shrugged. “It’s called podophilia.”

Hollie’s mouth fell open and it took everything I had in me not to laugh. “You’ve never heard of people having a foot fetish before?” I asked.

“Of course I have,” she said, once she remembered how to talk. “But to pay someone for pictures of their feet? She doesn’t even want to see your feet in person?”

“Oh, she does. She offered a thousand euros to be able to come and touch them. I declined. That seems a tad bit too much.”

“You think?” Hollie stated. “That’s just weird.”

Benny shrugged. “I’ll send the pictures, though.”

“What?” Hollie and I both said.

“Hey, five-hundred euros is a lot of money. I’ll take it any way I can get it.”

I shook my head while Hollie appeared to gag.

The bell on the door rang and the three of us looked over to see a group of women around our age entering the pub.

“Good evening, ladies,” Benny called out. The dark-haired girl in the front glanced back at the others who appeared to encourage her to step forward.

She cleared her throat and made her way over to the bar. She was far enough away that I’m sure she thought her conversation was private, but it was far from it. Especially with Hollie leaning in her direction so she could listen.

“How may I help ya?” Benny asked.

The young woman looked embarrassed as she said, “We’re friends with Casey and she, um, well, she told us how lovely your, um, your pub was. We were wondering if we could hold our weekly book club meetings here. We’ll pay ya, of course.”

Hollie nearly fell out of her chair. I had to grab her to keep her from falling to the ground.

“What happened?” I asked.

Hollie turned to me. “What is she hoping to get out of this book club?”