“It’s not ready yet!” I stated.
“Anything’s better than cold rain.”
I smiled and sat on the edge of the tub while he showered. “Would you like me to make you something? I have sandwich stuff.”
“Would you mind if we went to the pub, Hollie? A bowl of Irish stew sounds so damn good right about now.”
My stomach twisted slightly with nerves, but I ignored it. “That sounds amazing. I’ll grab you some clothes and set them on the counter.”
I placed Lucas’s clothes on the counter then made my way over to the front window to look out at the pub. Frowning, I didn’t really notice many people coming or going. As a matter of fact, I didn’t see anyone go in the entire time I stood there and watched.
“Damn it.”
“What’s wrong?” Lucas asked as he walked up and pulled me to him.
“Nothing. I was thinking about something I forgot to tell Mindy about a party we have coming up.”
Ugh, that lie came quicker than I would have liked.
“You ready to head across the street?” Lucas asked before he leaned down and kissed me gently on the mouth. “By the way, you look beautiful today. There’s a glow about you.”
Wrapping my arms around his neck, I smiled as I gazed up into his caramel eyes. “Maybe it’s because I’m with you.”
He grinned. “Maybe, but I think it has more to do with you being pregnant.”
“That too!” I stated. “You ready to go eat?”
“I am so ready!”
It had been nearly two weeks since Hollie had arrived in Ireland. We’d shut the dig site down for a much-needed long weekend, and Hollie and I drove over to the Cliffs of Moher. It was one of the most beautiful places I’d ever seen. The vertical drop made both of us dizzy, but the sounds of the ocean crashing against the limestone cliff was almost mystical. I saw the awe on Hollie’s face as she stood there and stared out over the water. Wrapping her arms around her, she almost looked as if she was returning to a treasured spot. I had to practically drag her back to the car to get her out of the cold.
“I cannot wait to have some shepherd’s pie,” Hollie said later that night as we made our way across the street and toward O’Brien’s. She intertwined her fingers with mine, giving my hand a squeeze.
“You’re going to turn into a shepherd’s pie if that’s all you keep eating, Hollie.”
She laughed then walked into the pub. Benny was behind the bar, whistling away as if he hadn’t a care in the world.
“Benny seems to be in a good mood,” I stated as Hollie’s face lit up.
“Hey Benny!” I called out, drawing his attention away from wiping down the bar and over to us. I pulled a barstool out for Hollie, and she climbed on. Benny grinned as he poured me a pint and made an ice water for Hollie.
Looking a little too hopeful, Hollie asked, “What has you in such a good mood?”
That was when Benny blushed. I knew that look. It was the look of man who’d spent some time in a woman’s bed and had thoroughly enjoyed it.
“You’re not going to believe what happened to me,” he stated.
Hollie nearly bounced in her seat with anticipation. “What? Tell us!”
Benny laughed and said, “Last night at closing, Casey Storm came in looking for me.”
“Who’s Casey Storm?” I asked.
“Casey Storm is the girl I swore I was going to marry. She ended up marrying some rich bastard from London and moved away. She’s back now and divorced.”
“And that’s a good thing?” Hollie asked, stretching out the ‘ing.’
If Benny had blushed before, now he was nearly as red as a tomato. “Probably not something to talk about in front of ya, Hollie.”
Hollie looked confused. “Why not?”
Before he could explain, she made an eeep sound and slid off the stool. “Wait, don’t say a word until I get back! I have to pee!”
She made a beeline for the lady’s bathroom. The moment she was gone, I looked back at Benny.
“Casey came walking in here last night with one thing on her mind.”
I chuckled. “What was that?”
With his thick Irish accent, I wasn’t quite sure what I’d just heard. “I’m sorry?”
“She walked right up to me after the last person left. Said she was no longer with her husband, and she needed a good fuck. It was the best night of me fucking life. She was like an animal. I’ve never fucked on the bar, but I plan on doing it a lot more.”
I glanced down at the bar and curled my lip.
“Don’t worry, it was down there, and I cleaned it twice.”
My brows rose. “Just so I know for the future, where else did you two have sex?”
He shook his head. “We didn’t have sex, Lucas. We fucked. Like rabbits. Oh, that table over there, I bent her over and took her from behind.”