My shoulders slumped. “Fine, that was what I was going to ask you to help with. But this is important, Sarah. Benny’s going to lose his pub if I don’t do anything. I only need a small little spell to bring him some good fortune.”

“There’s no such thing as a small little spell with you, darling sister. With you it’s…well, I don’t even know what it’s like. How you manage to mess up every spell is beyond me.”

“It’s because you won’t help, and may I remind you…I’m new at this!”

“I’ve already helped you get yourself out of trouble with two spells that have gone wrong, and you’ve only just accepted your gift. You need to stop jumping in head first with the spells.”

I let out a dramatic sigh. Then I turned to plan b. Whining.

“Sarah, pleeeeease. I really want to help this family. I like them so much, and they’ve been so kind to Lucas. I’ll do anything you say if you’ll just please help me with a spell.”


My felt my breath catch. Holy hell, if I’d known that was all it would take to get her to help me, I’d have offered it up before. “Yes! Anything!”

She paused for a moment. “I don’t know.”

“Any. Thing,” I said.

“Mom is going to kill me!”

I let out a little scream as I stood up. “I love you so much, Sarah! Now, what do I need to do?”

“I’ll tell you how to set up the altar table, but you’ll have to come up with the spell. It has to come from you to make it more potent.”

I nodded. “Okay, I can do that. I mean, how hard is it to come up with a spell?”

She huffed on the other end of the phone. “You have to promise me one thing. If something goes wrong, you’ll figure out how to fix it.”

I chewed nervously on my lip once again, then I smiled. If something went wrong, I’d simply call my best friend Kristin. She’d help me. She was new to this whole witch thing, but I knew we’d be able to figure it out together.

“I’m perfectly fine with that since nothing’s going to happen.”

When Sarah replied, I could hear a smile in her voice. “If you say so.”

I needed to move quickly since Lucas would be home soon. I cleared off the table, got a candle, and set my cinnamon sticks down. I didn’t have a smudge stick, but that was probably a good thing. I placed the incense down over the cinnamon, and sprinkled out some dried dandelion leaf and basil. Sarah had said I’d need some verbena, but I wasn’t able to find any at the market, so I’d grabbed jasmine instead.

I lit the candle, put a circle of freshly ground cinnamon around it, then lit the incense.

I took a piece of lace, laid it directly in front of me, and placed some cash on it. Then I set down a four-leaf clover that I’d picked up at the airport. I wasn’t really sure if it was real or not, but I wasn’t going to second guess it. I was just glad I’d foreseen its importance.

I’d written my spell in less than five minutes and couldn’t wait to brag to Sarah about it. The next thing I needed was a hair clip, which would stand in place of a money clip. The very last item had been a bit tricky, but Sarah had insisted that I needed a piece of Benny’s hair. So I’d begged him to show me how to pour a pint of Guinness, and while his back was turned, I’d reached up and pulled out a few strands. He’d let out a scream so girlish I’d peed myself laughing. I’d just told him he had something in his hair and had pocketed the strands.

Picking up the incense, I drew in a deep breath as I moved it around the table.

I picked up the pieces of Benny’s hair and then said my spell.

“A fourth leaf cloverA wad of cashA money clip to store it fastLight it on fire and listen to me, all good will and fortune go unto thee.

Bring Benny loads of luck

And please don’t let this spell suck.

Good fortune to fall on my Irish friend

Hang on tight, Benny

This spell will break the trend.”

I dropped his hair into the fire then sprinkled the herbs over the flame. The flame grew larger and the fire crackled, which only made me smile.

“I did it! I did a spell all on my own! Take that Sarah!”

An hour later, after I’d cleaned up all the evidence of my spell doing, Lucas walked in looking exhausted and cold.

“You must be freezing!” I said as I rushed over to him.

“I am. I want out of these clothes and to eat a hot meal.”

After helping him remove his coat and boots, I quickly headed into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Lucas stripped out of his clothes and stepped in before it was even very hot.