“I don’t mind at all!” Hollie said with excitement. “I’m so happy for you, Benny. It couldn’t have happened to a better person.”

His cheeks turned a slight shade of pink.

“And it’s all due to ya, Hollie,” a voice said from my left. Turning, I saw Sarah standing there. She handed me a bowl of Irish stew before placing another one in front of Hollie, who seemed stunned into silence.

“Ma’s right,” Benny said. “You’ve been like a good luck charm ever since ya stepped foot in the pub.”

Hollie relaxed and laughed. “Nah, it’s all just a coincidence.”

Someone down the bar called out for Benny. He tapped the bar in front of us and then quickly made his way toward them. Sarah was still looking at Hollie with a strange expression.

“Is everything okay, Sarah?” Hollie asked.

Reaching across the bar, Sarah took Hollie’s hand. “When I was a wee girl, me ma told me about her best friend who liked to collect herbs and flowers from the forests. She would make potions and medicine for the town folk. One time, I watched when she did this dance in the middle of the forest. I asked her what she was doing, and she said she was giving thanks to the sun and moon for her gift. Most folks said she was a witch, a good one. Not the kind who dally in the dark arts, but the kind in touch with mother nature. It was a gift.”

Hollie sat there frozen as she stared at Sarah. “You have the same gift; I see it in your eyes. It wasn’t a coincidence that me Benny’s luck changed simply from ya popping up. Ya helped him.”

“Sarah, I…” Hollie’s voice faded. She wasn’t about to lie, nor would she deny her gifts.

With a wink, Sarah patted Hollie’s hand. “Be mindful of the wee one you’re carrying. She’ll make your gift stronger.”

My mouth fell open. “You know about that?”

Sarah turned back to me and winked once again before she headed back to the kitchen. Hollie and I both looked at one another and then started to laugh.

“Do you think she always knew?” I asked.

Hollie shrugged. “I have no idea. She never made it seem like she knew.”

We were still laughing when Benny walked back up. “What’s so funny?”

Turning to look at him, we started to laugh even harder.


If there’s one thing you can say about the Irish, it’s that they know how to throw a party. O’Brien’s had a steady stream of people coming and going for the two-day celebration of the launch of O’Brien’s Stout. The first day had been the official launch party with the media and top executives from the brewery in attendance. It was fun, but the crowd at the party today—with more hometown folks, family, friends, and Mr. O’Rourke in attendance—was a rowdier bunch. I had never laughed so hard nor had so much fun.

“Do you need any help?” I asked Lou as she rushed by with a tray full of beer.

“No! Ya have fun and enjoy the party.”

Mr. O’Rourke walked up to me with a smile on his face. “I want to thank ya, Hollie, for taking the reins and planning the launch parties.”

Only a few days after the deal had been signed, Mr. O’Rourke had called to offer me the job of planning both launch parties. I had to admit, it had been a blast and not the normal type of events I was used to planning. But while I was planning the events, it had made me realize that I didn’t miss my job back home. Party planning used to be my passion, but after everything that had happened between me and Lucas, my newfound craft, and being pregnant, I found that I longed for a simpler life. A small part of me wanted to stay in Europe and raise our first born in Scotland. But then I quickly realized I would miss my family far too much to do that.

“It’s been my pleasure,” I replied as I shook his hand.

“Ya know, if you’re looking for a job while you’re in Ireland, we could use someone like ya on our team at the brewery.”

For a moment, I was stunned into silence. “Wow. My goodness, that is such an honor, and I can’t thank you enough for the offer, but I think I’m going to focus on one job right now,” I said as I patted the small bump that wasn’t really visible yet.

His eyes drifted down then quickly back up to meet my gaze. “Congratulations to ya and Lucas.”

Smiling, I replied, “Thank you so much.”

“Will ya be here in Ireland long enough to have the baby?”

I quickly peeked over at Lucas before I focused back on Mr. O’Rourke. “I’m not sure. This dig is proving to be a rather big one. The weather keeps putting a halt to things, though only for a day or two at the most. I think we’ll know more in the next few weeks. It would be kind of fun to have the baby here, though.”