“Would you like me to stay?”

Her eyes popped open wide. “Please. Could you?” And then what? What would happen in the morning? He would go to work, and she would be left to figure out her life alone.

He patted her hip. “I just need to pop next door and take care of a few things. I’ll be back in a few minutes. How does that sound?”

She smiled. “I’d love that, but where will you sleep? I could scoot over, but my bed is almost too small for you.”

“Don’t you worry about me. I’ll sleep on your couch.”

“What time do you need to leave for work?” Her chest was tight thinking about him leaving her. She’d just opened up to him and let him into her world for the first time tonight, and already the thought of him not being with her made her feel sad and nervous.

“I’ll call my boss and let him know I’ll be late in the morning.”

She grinned again as she found her pacifier and popped it into her mouth. The fact that he would stay in her apartment and be there in the morning went a long way toward calming her mind. She was still smiling as she closed her eyes and took several deep breaths.

She listened as Theo left the room and then the apartment. She tried to fall asleep, but it was hard. She couldn’t fully relax until she heard him return.

He came back. She almost couldn’t believe it. Was she dreaming? Had she imagined this entire evening? Once again, she wondered if she’d fallen in the stairwell and was lying there unconscious or dead.

Theo had left her door ajar, and she could see the light coming through the crack. She could also hear the clicking of a keyboard. He must have grabbed his laptop.

She’d never been more content, and she let her mind relax as she fell asleep.

Chapter Four

Annie awoke to the scent of coffee. For a second, she panicked, looking around, wondering why her apartment smelled like coffee. She didn’t even drink coffee.

And then she remembered. Theo. He was here in her apartment. Apparently making coffee. She sat up and then winced. Her diaper was full. She’d grown so accustomed to sleeping in a diaper that she usually wet it without knowing.

Should she change it? Put on clothes?

She was still hesitating, uncertain, when Theo stuck his head in the room. He looked amazing. He’d showered. His blond hair was wet. He had on jeans that looked fantastic on him. His blue eyes twinkled. “You’re awake.”

She bit her lip and nodded, feeling shy.

He stepped inside. “I figured if I made coffee, you’d wake up. I assume you don’t drink coffee since I couldn’t find any in your kitchen. I went next door and grabbed my coffee pot.”

She squished up her nose. “It’s icky.”

He chuckled. “I don’t know many Little girls who like coffee. Does the smell bother you?”

She shook her head. “No. It smells yummy. I just don’t like the taste. Not even with lots of cream and sugar.”

He patted her thigh. “Probably for the best. It’s not good for Little girls.”

“Did I sleep late?” She glanced at the clock on her nightstand and gasped. “Nine? It’s nine?” She’d never slept this late. She usually got to work at eight. To do so, she had to get up by seven and be out the door by seven-thirty.

But she’d lost her job yesterday…

The reminder made her wince. She didn’t want to face her problems. They were too overwhelming. She dropped back down and pulled the covers over her head.

Theo chuckled. “Not a morning person?”

“I was until I lost my job,” she informed the blankets.

The bed dipped, and she realized Theo was sitting next to her hip now. He set a hand on her tummy. “I’m sorry about your job, but I have a suggestion for you.”

She frowned under the covers. What could he possibly do to fix her problem?

Theo tugged on the blankets, pulling them down over her face. He was smiling. “You have to look at me while I make my suggestion.”

“Do you know of a place looking for someone with no skills?” she grumbled.

He shook his head. “Nope. But I know of a place where you don’t need any skills.” He lifted a brow.

“How is that possible?”

“Remember the place I was telling you about last night? The Nurturing Center?”

She nodded. He’d told her all about it, but she hadn’t truly believed it was an option. Why would they take her?

“I spoke to the director this morning. His name is Dr. Farwell. He was intrigued by your story and thinks you’d be an excellent fit at The Nurturing Center.”

Annie gasped. “Really?” Her mind was racing. She glanced around. “Would I move there?”

“Yep. Permanently. Well, you’d only be at The Center itself until you find a forever Daddy. But yes. You wouldn’t have to worry about your rent or finding a job.”