Suddenly, she realized how foolish she must look and lowered the can.
Theo’s voice was low when he stroked her cheek and spoke. “Does that feel good, sweetie?”
She nodded subtly, not meeting his gaze, mortified by what he’d witnessed.
He continued to brush her cheek with his thumb. “I’m guessing your Little is sexual.”
She pursed her lips but didn’t say a word.
“Does that embarrass you, Annie?”
She nodded again.
“I don’t want you to be embarrassed. Lots of Littles incorporate sex into their age play. It’s not unusual.” He lowered his hand, cupped her breast, and tweaked her nipple.
She flinched and whimpered, arching her chest into his palm instinctively.
“Such a pretty Little girl. I love how responsive you are.” He circled the tip and then switched to tweak the other nipple before releasing it to grab a washcloth and her liquid soap.
Mark had simply told her to go take a bath sometimes when he was with her, but he hadn’t gone into the bathroom with her, nor had he ever bathed her.
Theo attentively bathed her entire body. She was mesmerized by the attention to detail. He didn’t miss a single inch of her skin, paying special attention to her boobs and lastly her pussy.
She panted and grabbed the sides of the tub while he dragged the cloth between her parted thighs. Her entire body trembled, and her mouth fell open.
“I know I’m new to you, you don’t know me well, and we’ve never discussed any boundaries, but would you like me to make you come, sweetie?”
She swallowed, her body shivering as she nodded. She wanted to come so badly. Worse than she’d ever wanted to come in her life.
“Look at me Little one.” He continued to stroke her folds, but he’d dropped the washcloth and was using his fingers.
It was hard to meet his gaze, but she did so because she liked to please him.
“That’s a good girl. Tell me what you need.”
Tell him? No way. She couldn’t do that. She’d be too embarrassed.
“Tell me, sweetie. Ask for what you want.”
She licked her suddenly dry lips. The need to obey him trumped her embarrassment. “Please make me come, Sir.”
He eased a finger into her. “Like this?”
She nodded, gasping and shaking.
“So tight, Little one. It’s been a long time since a man has been inside you, hasn’t it?”
She nodded again. It was hard to focus on his words though. All her brain cells were working overtime to concentrate on the feel of his fingers stroking her folds and flicking over her clit. One pushed deep inside her. One stretched back to press against her tight rosebud.
“Come on my fingers, sweetie. You need the release. Let me watch you orgasm.”
She couldn’t deny his demand any more than she could avoid breathing. She tipped her head back, squeezed her eyes closed, and shattered. Her pussy pulsed around his fingers as her release drove her nearly out of her mind.
Theo eased his fingers out and leaned over to kiss her forehead. “Beautiful girl.”
She felt beautiful too. The prettiest she’d ever felt in her life.
Her legs had trouble holding her up when he lifted her out of the tub, but Theo kept a hand on her at all times, attentive in everything he did. He dried her body, hung the towel up, and ushered her naked self toward the sink.
She was surprised once again when he put toothpaste on her toothbrush and wetted it. “Open up, sweetie.”
She was mesmerized as he brushed her teeth. Mark had certainly never done anything like this.
Theo ushered her into the bedroom next, laid her on the bed, put a fresh diaper on her, and turned toward her drawers again.
She wondered what he would choose and grinned when he returned with her favorite footed pajamas, the soft ones with the tiger print. She was smiling as he put them on her and tucked her into her bed.
“Which stuffie do you want to sleep with? There are so many,” he teased.
She pointed at the foot of the bed where about a dozen sat against the footboard. “The whale.”
Theo snagged the stuffie and tucked it into her arms. “Let me guess. His name is whaley?”
She giggled again. She hadn’t felt this light in a long time. It was irrational since she’d lost her job and her life was hopeless, but Theo had made this evening perfect. He’d made her forget her problems even if for only one evening. “Blowy,” she blurted.
He laughed so hard his eyes wrinkled. “Guess that should have been my first thought.”
She pointed at the blow hole on the top of his body and then squeezed him. A soft rush of air filled her ears.
“Clever.” He leaned over and kissed her temple. “Time for sleeping, sweetie.”
She frowned, suddenly feeling deflated like the squeezed whale. “Are you going home?” Of course he was. He lived next door. He’d given her his entire evening. Chances were, she wouldn’t see him again.