He pressed against her bladder, making her draw her knees up.

She moaned, too embarrassed to use the diaper and have him change her. She used one every night when she was alone, but that wasn’t the same as doing so in front of someone.

“I can’t, Sir. I’ll just use the potty,” she explained.

He shook his head. “I know you’re used to using a diaper at home. Pretend I’m not here. Don’t let it embarrass you. It’s a perfectly natural bodily function. Wet yourself and then I’ll clean you up.”

She squeezed her eyes closed and tugged on her wrists. She was well and truly secured to the mattress. A good and bad thing. It was her fault for telling him she liked to be forced. He’d taken her at her word.

Theo put more pressure on her stomach, and she couldn’t hold back any longer. She really had to pee. Squeezing her eyes closed, she released her bladder, filling the diaper.

Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it.

She repeated that mantra over and over in her head while Theo removed the diaper, found her wipes, and cleaned her up. He released her arms next and scooped her into his arms to carry her to the bathroom.

“I’m proud of you,” he told her as he stood her on her feet on the bathmat and leaned over the tub to turn the water on. He held his hand under it and adjusted it several times until he was pleased and put the stopper in.

Annie fisted her hands at her sides, feeling more self-conscious than she’d ever felt in her life. She’d dreamed of having a Daddy like this, but she’d never truly believed it could ever happen to her.

It wasn’t happening now either. This was her neighbor. Theo. He was a nice man who felt sorry for her and stepped up to the plate to help her for the evening. She shouldn’t read anything into it. He hadn’t insinuated he was her Daddy or wanted to be. He hadn’t touched her sexually even though she knew she was breathing heavily enough for him to realize she was aroused.

Her nipples were stiff peaks. Her pussy was wet. There were butterflies dancing around in her tummy, making her knees weak. She’d never been this attracted to a man, not even the previous part-time Daddy she’d had.

Mark had scened with her. He’d played with her at a club she’d gone to sometimes. He’d also come to her apartment and played with her. She knew he enjoyed it because he always had her suck him off at the end of the evening. He rarely had sex with her, and he never asked her to call him Daddy outside of the scene. Hell, he rarely called her at all in between their specified times together.

She hadn’t been in love with him. He clearly hadn’t been in love with her either. Still, he’d been the closest thing to a Daddy she’d ever had, so she’d been sad and depressed when he’d moved away, leaving her with no human interaction in the age-play spectrum at all.

She hadn’t even returned to the club they’d both belonged to. At first, she’d been embarrassed, but she’d let her membership lapse and eventually stopped considering it as an option. She saved money by not belonging to the club, and she found she was able to fulfill her age-play kink all alone in her apartment. Mostly. It was lonely, but at least no one judged her. She simply pretended she had a Daddy with her.

Theo was already proving to be a very different kind of Daddy. He was attentive and interested in hearing what she had to say. How she felt. Why she felt the way she did. He’d held her all evening, babied her, taking care of her every need. He hadn’t asked her to suck him off yet. Maybe he still would. Maybe that was a Daddy thing. After all, the night wasn’t over.

As the tub started to fill, Theo grabbed her hips and lifted her into the water. “On your bottom, Little one. Don’t want you to fall.”

She sat among her toys which had started to float around, trying not to think about the roll around her tummy or the way her boobs sagged in front of her. She tried not to think about her hard nipples and tingling pussy either.

“You sure have a lot of bath toys, sweetie,” he teased as he picked up a mermaid and dangled her long pink hair in the water. “What’s her name?”

Annie stared at him, surprised he would care to know such a thing. She flushed as she whispered, “Mermy.”

He chuckled. “I guess you won’t forget it, will you?”

She lowered her gaze and picked up the small watering can, letting the water trickle out of the tip onto her chest. She’d always liked the way it felt running over her nipples, and she did it without thinking.