She whimpered as she floated back to earth, squirming to free herself. When she met his gaze, she pleaded with her eyes.
“Shhh,” he cooed, cradling her cheek. “Don’t fight it. I will never let anything happen to you. Never. I see you at war with yourself, fighting against your need. I can see it in your eyes. Testing me. But I understand your needs better now, Baby girl. Let it go. Submit to me.”
She swallowed around the nipple. He wasn’t going to release her. Not yet. She stared at him while he rubbed her tummy, leaving her totally immobile and at his mercy.
“There’s my good girl. Breathe through your nose. Accept the dominance you crave. Submit to Daddy. Give me everything.”
A shudder wracked her body as she let herself fully relax. An imaginary weight lifted off her. He understood. She didn’t need this deep level of dependency all the time, but she needed him to give it to her often.
He got it. He petted her, causing her body to tingle. She was naked and so restrained with no voice. It was heavenly. She had never realized she needed this level of submission and regression. The combination made the earth stand still.
The man smiling at her while he circled her nipples without touching them was her Daddy. Her Dom. Her life.
“I love you, Annie.”
She couldn’t respond, but she didn’t need to. She knew he could see it in her eyes.
Chapter Thirteen
A week later…
“Daddy…” Annie whined as she squirmed in her bouncy seat.
“Hush, Little one. Settle.” Daddy was on the floor in front of her, patting her thigh as he gave her seat another push to keep it bouncing.
“But can I get up now?” she asked in her sweetest voice.
“What do you think the answer is?” He lifted a brow. “If you ask again, I’ll swat your bottom the moment I release you.”
This was their new routine. She hadn’t seen it coming, but it happened anyway. She spent her nights swaddled securely in her crib where she slept better than she had in her life under the weighted blanket with her arms loosely restrained and her mittens on.
First thing in the morning, Daddy moved her to the bouncy seat where he secured her almost as completely as her crib. He’d started feeding her rice cereal in the mornings before her bottle. It didn’t taste like much, but she didn’t complain.
Then the most icky part of the day happened. He pushed a suppository into her bottom and made her stay in the bouncy seat until she filled her diaper. He said it made her regular and helped keep her gut clean.
She didn’t like this part, so she complained regularly. Some days he ended up spanking her. Other days she was polite enough to avoid a red, hot, sore bottom.
“I spoke to Dr. Farwell yesterday,” Daddy said.
She knew he was trying to distract her from the full feeling that was taking over her bowels. She also knew he liked to sit next to her while they waited because it made her feel very Little when he hovered.
“What about?” she asked, distracted.
That got her attention. “Is she okay? Did a Daddy claim her?”
He smiled and lifted his brows. “She’s very okay, and you’ll get to see her again soon.”
That was a weird answer. She opened her mouth to ask ten more questions, but Daddy shot her a look.
“That’s all I’m going to say. When I want you to know more, I’ll tell you more. Focus on Annie right now.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Do you want to go to the park today?” he asked, still distracting her.
“Can you push me in the toddler swing?” She’d found out there were other swings at the park that were designed for younger Littles. They had bucket seats and belts to keep the Little from slipping out.
“I sure can. Jenny and Lily and their Daddies are going. Also, Dr. Farwell’s Little, Susie, and Dr. Radcliff’s Little, Emmy.”
“Oh good. That will be fun. We can build a sandcastle. They are always so nice to me and play with me even though I don’t like to run with them.”
Daddy smiled at her. “They are very nice Little girls. And you’ll let me know if you ever want to play at an older age. It doesn’t have to mean you move to that age permanently. You can still be Daddy’s fully dependent Baby girl part of every day for as long as you’d like.”