Annie liked the feeling of helplessness. She enjoyed being forced. The restraints did that for her. She didn’t feel like rushing to grow up even though she knew that wasn’t in the cards for her anyway. The oldest any Little in this community seemed to be was about two. But two wasn’t where she wanted to be.

The freedom of running around the park didn’t appeal to her. Maybe it would someday, but not now. She just wanted to be her Daddy’s Baby girl. She didn’t want choices. She didn’t want to make decisions.

She finally cleared her throat and found her voice. “I want to be your Baby girl, Daddy,” she murmured.

He met her gaze and smiled. “Does that make you sad, Little one?”

“It scares me. It’s a lot of work for you.”

“It’s no work for me, Annie. It’s my pleasure. I enjoy being your Daddy. I love it. I won’t force you to remain an infant if you decide later on down the road you want some more freedom and mobility, but I will cherish every moment you want to remain my Baby girl.”

“Are you sure?” She sniffled again. “All the other Littles run and play. I just want you to hold me and keep me in the stroller.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do for now. Restraints make my girl feel content, so I’ll use them.”

She finally smiled. “Thank you, Daddy.” She glanced at his naked chest. “You’re very sexy, Daddy,” she told him, her cheeks heating. “I’ve never seen your pecs before.”

He chuckled. “Do you want to see more of me?”

Her cheeks were surely bright pink now as she nodded. “I’d like that.”

“You are precious and adorable. The cutest Baby girl ever, and The Nurturing Center exists to help Littles find that side of themselves and harness it. Live it. Immerse in the age-play lifestyle. But deep inside is also a woman. A sexy woman who gets aroused when I touch her and craves the feel of my fingers on her body.” He lifted a brow.

She swallowed. It was hard to breathe. “Yes, Sir,” she muttered.

“Do you want Daddy to strip you down and take care of that inner woman’s needs, Little one?”

She nodded slowly. Why was it so embarrassing? It was just sex. She’d had sex before. But not with Theo. Not with this man, this Daddy, this dominant who was promising her the world.

“Use your words, Annie.”

“I’d like you to make love to me, Sir.”

He gave her a slow sexy smile. “You’re sure?” His smile turned devious. He was teasing her.

“I’m sure.”

“When we have sexy time, I’m going to unwrap you and toss your Little off the bed so it’s just you and me under the covers. Afterward, I’ll bundle you back up and take care you all your needs again. How does that sound?”

It sounded like heaven. “Good, but could we maybe skip the covers so I can watch?”

He chuckled as he stood and carried her back to the bedroom. “I like that idea even better.”

Before she knew it, she was on his bed again. He removed the blanket and the mittens before taking off her T-shirt and leggings and finally her diaper.

She shuddered as he stepped back, his gaze roaming all over her body.

She slid her hands toward her chest, thinking to cover her nudity.

“Don’t even think about it, Annie. Hands above your head. Don’t touch those titties.”

She moaned as she lifted her arms, her nipples turning into hard peaks that demanded attention.

“That’s what I like to hear. The sound of your moaning is music to my ears.” He gave her a show as he removed the rest of his clothes, exposing his cock to her for the first time.

She licked her lips. His rod was thick and long and bobbing in front of him. She’d felt it against her hip many times since she’d met him. Every time he rocked her, he got hard, but this was the first time he’d shared.

“Why is my adult Annie so shy all the sudden? You never have trouble opening your legs for me when you’re Little. Now, you have them squeezed together.”

She shivered as she lowered her knees and parted them, keeping her hands above her head. It was hard though. She’d rather be restrained for this too. Was that something he would be receptive to?

She fidgeted, clasping her hands and arching toward him while he seemed content to simply stare at her.

When he wrapped his palm around his cock, she stopped blinking, not wanting to miss a moment of watching him touch himself.

His gaze lowered to her pussy. “You’re so wet, Annie.”

She nodded. “I need you.” She’d craved this for a long time. Forever it seemed. She’d fantasized about this moment for two years. She’d never dreamed it would come to be. Nor had she ever believed there was a world in which she could live as his Baby girl most of the time, only breaking from the role long enough to take his cock into her body.