Granted, going to college had never been on her radar. She couldn’t have afforded it if she’d wanted to. She’d always worked at a low-income job and lived paycheck to paycheck. Not needing to worry about money anymore was pleasant, but never earning any money made her feel weird. Not good weird.

“I bet your Daddy will be bringing you to the daycare. You can play with us when we’re there.” Lily beamed.

“What about Mindy?” Jenny asked. “I know you two were good friends at The Center. Did she get adopted yet?”

Annie shook her head. “No. I feel bad because I left without getting to say goodbye.” Annie felt really bad about this fact. She and Mindy were good friends. In fact, at the reminder, her eyes teared up.

“Oh honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you,” Jenny added.

Annie shook her head. “It’s not your fault. I just feel bad.”

“I’m sure she understands. Nearly every time someone gets adopted, they don’t have a chance to say a proper goodbye. And it doesn’t matter usually because we all end up seeing each other again other places, like here at the park or in the daycare.”

Annie tried to swallow back her sorrow. “What if she gets adopted by someone who doesn’t live in this community, and I never hear from her again? What if her Daddy doesn’t let her have contact with her old friends?”

Lily grabbed Annie’s hand. “That’s kind of unlikely.”

A shadow fell over them, and Annie tipped her head back to find her Daddy frowning. He squatted down next to her. “Hey there. Why are you crying?”

Lily’s and Jenny’s Daddies also joined them.

“What happened?” Cristian asked. “I thought this would be a happy reunion.”

Lily faced her Daddy. “We’re worried about Mindy. Do you think she’s okay? Could we see her?”

“Ah,” Theo said, rubbing Annie’s back. “I knew you were concerned, but I didn’t realize you were this upset.”

Annie sniffled. “What if she’s lonely or sad today? She’s my friend.”

“I’ll check on her. Don’t you worry, Little one.” Daddy lifted Annie into his arms and held her tight. “How about if we go over to the swings? How does that sound?”

Annie shook her head and tucked it into her Daddy’s neck. She wrapped her arms tight around his neck and whispered in his ear. “They look scary. I might fall.”

She wasn’t sure where this odd statement was coming from. She wasn’t sure where any of her thoughts and feelings were coming from lately. They seemed so foreign. Why wouldn’t she want to go on the swings?

Daddy’s brow furrowed. “Did it scare you when Lily leaped off her swing into the air?”

Annie shrugged and lowered her gaze to his chest. She wasn’t sure what the answer was. She hadn’t been scared for Lily or even for herself. It wasn’t that. She couldn’t explain her feelings. All she knew was she didn’t want to go on those swings.

“You don’t have to jump off like she did. You keep both hands on the chain, let Daddy push you, and when you’re done, I’ll stop the swing and lift you off. How does that sound?”

Annie lifted her gaze to his once more, fighting back tears, and shook her head. She was aware the other girls were watching her and listening to this exchange. Luckily no one commented.

“What about the slide?” Daddy asked.

Her breath hitched as she glanced at it and back at him, shaking her head again. “Too high,” she whispered.

“Sandbox?” he asked next.

She slowly nodded. “Will you stay with me?” Her voice was very, very Little. She could hear it, but she couldn’t explain it.


Annie held on to her Daddy as all of them moved toward the sandbox. She was pleased to see there were benches only a few yards away. After Daddy settled her on her bottom in the sand, he kissed her forehead and moved to sit with the other men again.

Annie was relieved to be in the sandbox and not on the swings or the slide. She glanced over at the Littles who were running, laughing, and climbing, but instead of feeling envious, she felt relieved to be on her bottom in the sand.

“Want to build a castle?” Jenny asked cheerfully as soon as they were all situated.

“That’s a great idea,” Lily added. Neither Little questioned Annie’s odd behavior.

Annie did though. She was confused and uncertain.

Chapter Eleven

“Do you want to talk about this morning?” Daddy asked later that afternoon.

She was sitting in his lap in the big recliner, having just finished her bottle. She shrugged, not meeting his gaze.

After the park, they’d come home and she’d napped. Now, apparently, Daddy wanted to discuss a topic she was uncertain about.

“I suspect you’re confused about your feelings. Let’s talk about them and see if we can help you feel better, okay?”

She shrugged again.

“Are you afraid of heights, Baby girl?”