She needed to squirm. She needed him to touch her firmer. Pinch her nipple. Reach into her diaper. Rub her clit. That driving need was what she loved more than anything.
“Stay still for me, Baby girl. Relax your body.”
That was nearly impossible with him now lightly pinching and twisting her nipple. The naughty bud was swollen and desperate. So was her clit. It was frustrating and driving her wild and so exactly what she loved.
Daddy tapped the pacifier. “Keep sucking. I’ll be right back.” He released her to turn toward the changing table out of her sight. When he returned, he was holding up a different blanket. He removed the soft one that had slid down around her torso and draped the new one over her.
Annie groaned as soon as she was covered, eyes wide.
“It’s a weighted blanket, Baby girl. It will help you relax so you can rest.”
It was odd and heavy, pressing down on her torso and her limbs in a comforting way. It increased her sense of security and restraint.
Daddy pointed at an odd red lever at the end of the crib. It was several inches above the mattress and attached to the railing. “I figured you might need the restraints, but I don’t want you to ever be in an unsafe environment. The monitor in the corner of the room is very sensitive, and Daddy will hear and see you moving around when you wake up, but on the off chance anything ever happens to me and I’m unable to come to you, that red lever is your backup plan.”
Annie shifted her gaze from the lever to Daddy’s face, confused.
“It’s connected to the main observation room in The Nurturing Center. Someone is always watching the Littles in their nurseries. It’s not usually necessary for the center to monitor a Little girl after she leaves The Center, but your case is different.”
She furrowed her brow.
“If you kick that lever, someone will come from the center as fast as they can.”
Oh. Now she understood.
“It’s for an emergency. If for some reason, I’m not here and you’re scared, that’s your safety net.”
She nodded. She prayed she would never need it. She’d be frightened out of her mind if her Daddy didn’t come. It would mean something very bad had happened to him.
He set his palm on her tummy again. “Are you secure enough, Baby girl?”
She nodded.
He smiled as he bent over and kissed her forehead. “Sleep, Little one.”
She watched as he left her nursery and loved the way he left the door ajar. She didn’t think she’d ever been more content in her life.
Chapter Ten
“Where are we going, Daddy?” she asked the next morning after he fed her a bottle and dressed her in leggings, a frilly T-shirt, and booties.
“To the park.”
She grew nervous as he settled her in the stroller. “Really?”
“Yep. I wouldn’t tease you about something as fun as the park. That would be cruel.” He chuckled as he tucked her arms into the straps and fastened the five-point harness against her tummy.
She reached down and investigated the latch, wondering how hard it would be to release it herself.
Daddy tipped her chin back and gave her a stern look. “I can see the wheels turning in your head. You’ll keep your naughty fingers away from all buckles, understood?”
“Yes, Sir.” She shivered.
“There are similar buckles on your car seat, your bouncy seat, and your high chair. If I catch you touching them or trying to open them, I will swat your bottom hard enough to make you cry and then put baby mittens on your hands for the rest of the day. You won’t have much fun without your fingers available to pick things up.”
She swallowed. “Yes, Daddy. I won’t touch them.” His stern expression told her he meant every word.
“I can and I will add a heavy padlock to your buckles if you test me. It will easily slide around all five straps and lock them together. The punishment for needing Daddy to include an extra lock will make you long for the days I swatted your bottom.”
She nodded. “I’ll be good, Daddy.” She knew what he was doing. He was giving her the sense of restraint she craved without the addition of the cumbersome lock. It was going to work. She wouldn’t touch it.
Daddy adjusted all five straps, tugging them until they fit so snuggly against her that her breath hitched. The straps coming over her shoulders pressed firmly against her nipples. Every time she wiggled, she felt the abrasion.
Daddy squatted in front of her and slid his fingers under the tight nylon to flick her nipples, making her arch and moan. “It’s obvious my Baby girl craves restraints and the accompanying edging. Daddy’s going to give you that as often as I can, but there’s a catch.”