Annie felt sad when she thought of Mindy. She was worried about her. Daddy had said someone had their eye on Mindy, but Annie couldn’t for the life of her think who it might be.

Mindy had grown sad in the last few days, worrying that no one would want her. That made Annie feel sad too.

Daddy adjusted the mobile and turned it on so it began dancing around in a circle playing a sweet soothing lullaby. He turned his attention to her and set his palm on her tummy. “What’s wrong, Baby girl? Your brow is furrowed.”

“I’m worried about Mindy. I didn’t get to say goodbye.”

“Ah. Don’t you worry. I told you, she’ll be fine, and you didn’t need to say goodbye. You’ll see her again very soon. I feel confident about that.”

She squirmed under his hand and looked around.

“You need to let your mind settle, Baby girl. It’s time to nap.”

“I can’t, Daddy. I’m restless.” She wiggled so much the blanket slid down her body, exposing her chest. She looked around at her surroundings. The crib should have made her feel confined and secure and regressed, but it wasn’t enough. Her heart was beating rapidly.

The problem with age regression was that it was largely voluntary, and Annie needed more. She might always need more. She could fidget and whine and force Daddy to spank her into submission, but that wouldn’t be enough to make her settle down either.

“What’s wrong, Little one?” Daddy asked calmly.

She twisted around, arching her neck, shoving at his hand on her belly with both of hers. “I need…” She couldn’t say it out loud. It was foolish and silly.

“You need Daddy to force you to comply, don’t you, Little one?”

Her face heated as she turned her head to one side. She’d always thought this part of her was a bit freaky. He’d seemed to understand from the beginning though. From the first night he’d been in her apartment. He hadn’t made fun of her for having restraints on her bed. In fact, he’d used them.

Daddy understood. She was sure he did. He’d been the one to tell Dr. Farwell she needed some amount of force. She craved it. That hadn’t changed.

“Look at me, Annie.”

She slowly turned her gaze to his, but her bottom lip was quivering. “Am I weird?” she murmured.

“No, Baby girl. You’re you. You don’t have to be like anyone else. You enjoy a deep age play, and you prefer Daddy take control. That’s okay. I’m going to give you what you need.”

He lifted his hand from her tummy and reached over the side of the mattress. When his hand came back into view, he was holding a soft pink leather cuff.

Annie’s heart soared. He did understand. He was prepared. “Is this what you want, Little one?”

She nodded.

“Words, Baby girl. Tell Daddy what you need. Restraints are a big deal. I know we used them in your apartment, but you’re in a different headspace now. You’ve been through deep regression training. Do you still need the restraints to help you feel secure and younger?”

She nodded again. “Please, Daddy,” she whispered.

He bent over and kissed her forehead, lingering before circling her wrist and drawing it to the side of the crib. He fastened her in securely, tightening her arm until she had almost no movement.

Annie focused on her Daddy’s big hands as he restrained her other wrist in the same manner. When he was finished, she whimpered, dug her heals into the mattress, and arched her chest.

Her mind instantly slid into a different place. It was a strange place. A place where she was totally helpless and at Daddy’s mercy. A place where she had no control, where it was easier to accept using her diaper. On the one hand, her mind relaxed as she regressed to her happy place. But there was another aspect. Arousal. It was potent in the room. Thick. Her nipples puckered, and her pussy swelled.

Daddy picked up the pacifier from around her neck and tapped her lips with it. “Open for me, Little one.”

She parted her lips and let him slide the last piece of her deep regression into her mouth. The one that took away her speech. The suckling both settled her and aroused her in equal measures. Did that even make sense?

Daddy held the pacifier in place. “That’s my good girl. Suckle for Daddy.”

She did, sucking harder, struggling to settle. She just needed to control the arousal and get past the surge that always came from restraints.

“You’re so pretty when you arch your little titties like that, Baby girl.” He continued to hold the pacifier but reached with his other hand to cup her breast and stroke her nipple.

She moaned against the nipple.

“Deep breath through your nose, Annie.”

She inhaled slowly and let it out.

“Good girl. Again.” He was still thumbing her nipple. It was maddening and delicious at the same time.