“Can I walk?”
He shook his head. “Not yet. You weren’t walking at The Nurturing Center, were you?”
She shook her head, relieved. Walking didn’t appeal to her. It felt too old. “No, Sir.”
“Nothing has changed. That’s our launching point. Understood?”
“You have a high chair in the kitchen, Daddy. Will I sit in it and eat?”
“Eventually, but Daddy decides when to move to that stage of development. I don’t want you to rush things. I want you to let yourself relax and enjoy the opportunity to start over. The process is important.” He lifted a brow.
She nodded. “Yes, Daddy.” It didn’t sound like a hardship. “I like being your Baby girl. I won’t be naughty.”
“Good girl. Do six-month-old babies walk?”
“No, Sir.”
“Do they eat hamburgers?”
She giggled and shook her head. “No, silly Daddy.”
“Do they talk back to their Daddies?”
She sobered. “No, Sir.”
“Do they climb up onto the furniture?”
“No, Sir.” She shivered. He was very serious about this. She wasn’t surprised, and plus, she loved it.
“Do they open doors and go outside without their Daddies?”
She shook her head. “No, Daddy. They can’t reach the knobs. Plus, they would get hurt.”
“Good girl. Sometimes you will get frustrated and misbehave. That’s normal. But I wouldn’t be a very good Daddy if I didn’t discipline you, would I?”
She let her shoulders drop. “No, Daddy.”
“Good. Now, I’m going to have you on a strict routine. You’ll take morning and afternoon naps. In between, you’ll have the freedom to play and explore your toys, but for now you’ll do so in the playpen in the living room or under Daddy’s close supervision in other rooms.”
“Can I do that now?” she asked hopefully.
“Nope. Now, it’s time for a bottle and a nap. After you wake up, you can play.” He tapped her nose.
“Okay.” She glanced around. She was excited to start this new life, and part of her wanted to explore, but the younger side of her wanted to snuggle in his arms with a bottle. Plus, she wasn’t going to argue with her Daddy less than an hour after being adopted by him.
Keeping her in his lap, he rose to standing and situated her on his hip. He carried her to the kitchen and set her in a bouncy seat on the floor while he fixed her bottle.
When he was done, he carried her back to the nursery and settled in the rocking chair. She was familiar with this routine. She didn’t fuss as he fed her. She did wonder how many days she would be expected to go without solid foods, but she knew better than to ask.
Besides, solid foods meant aging, and Annie wasn’t in a hurry to age.
A few things were undeniable. She was kind of weak and often tired from a lack of activity. She’d been permitted to crawl at The Center, but it had been a chore so far. Weeks of staying in her crib, plus the addition of the muscle relaxant forced her to regress to an infant stage whether she wanted to or not.
Secretly, she’d loved it. She loved Daddy’s rules. She wanted to be his Baby girl for as long as he’d let her. He’d said he wanted her to move through the stages gradually, but that wasn’t a hardship. She was nervous about aging. She didn’t want to be a big girl. How old did he intend to encourage her to age?
Yes, talking was important to her, but she also enjoyed the times when even that was taken away from her by plugging her mouth. She also liked not having responsibility for her bladder and bowels. It had been simpler and easier when the doctor had put the suppositories in her bottom.
She’d thought of them as Baby girl pills. They forced her to be an infant. It was the most relaxing space she’d ever lived in, and she worried she wouldn’t really enjoy living at an older age. What if her Daddy let her become one and then two and then a toddler? What if he gave her more freedoms?
The idea of having responsibilities didn’t appeal to her, but taking care of a fully regressed adult was time consuming. Daddy wouldn’t want to do that forever. He would get bored and exhausted.
By the time she finished her bottle, she was groggy and perfectly willing to accept her naptime. She loved the confinement of the crib, and the mobile he’d put above her head was like a canopy with dancing pink fairies bouncing above her head.
She fidgeted as he removed her dress and set it aside, covering her with a soft blankie instead. Ever since she’d weaned off the muscle relaxant, she’d felt restless in her crib, flailing her arms and legs, fighting the urge to push to sitting.
Even rolling over had been forbidden, but it had been so much easier when she simply couldn’t. She did, however, like being old enough to go to the main nursery and playing with the other Little girls. She and Mindy had become friends.