“How astute of you.” He chuckled as he opened the door to the car and lowered her into a car seat behind the driver’s seat. He fastened her in with a five-point harness.

“How far is it to your house, Daddy?”

“Less than five minutes. We’ll be there in no time.”

She couldn’t keep from grinning as she stared out the window while Daddy drove through the streets of the quiet, private neighborhood. She craned her neck when they passed a park, both nervous and excited to see Littles playing in it. They were running and laughing.

“Are we going to go there, Daddy?” she asked as they drove past. She wasn’t sure how she felt about going to the park. It looked overwhelming.

“We sure can, sweetie. Not today, but soon. You haven’t regained your leg strength yet.”

She glanced down at her legs. She hadn’t used them to walk for weeks. “I can walk? They didn’t let us walk in the nursery.”

“We’ll work on it soon, sweetie. Don’t get in a hurry.” He pulled into the driveway of an obviously newly built home. The sod wasn’t even in place yet. But it was so pretty. She loved it already.

Daddy pushed a button on the console and the garage door opened. Moments later, they were inside. Daddy parked in the center of the two-car garage, leaving plenty of space on both sides of the car. He was out and opening her door before the garage door fully closed.

She giggled when he lifted her onto his hip again. “You can’t carry me everywhere. I’m too heavy.” She definitely wasn’t ready to walk, but she could crawl if he put her down.

He chuckled. “You’re light as a feather. I can carry you easily.”

She was in awe as soon as he stepped into the kitchen. Everything was bright and shiny and new. Sparkling. The kitchen was done in white and grays with stainless-steel appliances. The table was glass.

There was a white wooden highchair in the corner. She hadn’t eaten any solid foods yet. In fact, she’d grown accustomed to being bottle-fed and never having to worry about foods.

“What do you think, sweetie?” he asked as he continued through to the living room which had black leather furniture and continued the gray theme. This room had a playpen. A huge one for an adult Baby. It was filled with toys too.

“I love it!”

He moved on through to a hallway, pointing out the bathroom and guest room before he came to the master bedroom.

She giggled. “You sure do like black.”

He smiled and shrugged. “I guess. We can add colors as we go, but I figured gray was a good base color for the walls and granite. White for cabinets. Black furniture. Is it too much?”

She shook her head. “I don’t think so, but a splash of color here and there will make it look happy.”

“Ready for the nursery?”

She jerked her gaze to his. “Nursery?” Of course. Duh. Naturally there would be a nursery in this house.

Daddy kept walking through the master bedroom until he came to a door. She’d figured it led to a closet, but there were several doors. Not all of them could be closets.

When Daddy opened the door, Annie was shocked. Not only was the nursery decked out with everything a Little girl could ever want or need, but it was frilly pink, and she quickly noticed many of her things from her old apartment were in there.

“Daddy! You brought my toys and dolls and stuffies!”

“I did, sweetie. I thought you might like having your things from the apartment.”

She hugged him tight. “I love it. Thank you so much.” Her heart was overflowing. It was impossible to believe this was happening. She’d been half in love with this man for two years. Never in her wildest dreams would she have visualized a day when he might be her Daddy and she his Little girl, living with him.

She had a lingering concern though. The one thing that would be icing on the cake. Did he intend to have sex with her? Or did he plan to simply torture her with his fingers, making her come while she was strapped to the changing table, never fully giving himself to her?

Daddy lowered her to the plush carpet, making sure she was all the way on her butt before grabbing a gift bag she hadn’t noticed next to the dresser and holding it out to her.

She tipped her head back to look at him, but he dropped onto the floor across from her so they were eye to eye.

“What’s this?” she asked. The bag was white and covered with red hearts that matched her diaper cover.

“It’s a gift.”

She giggled. “But why?”

He reached out to stroke her cheek. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

She gasped. “Is it Valentine’s Day?” She’d had no idea. The days had gone by without meaning anything to her.