He carefully rolled her onto her tummy, which felt so very strange. The only thing weirder than having no muscle control while lying on your back was having no muscle control on your stomach.

She couldn’t lift her head or draw her arms up under her.

Theo rubbed her back. “I’m so proud of you, sweetie. You’re doing so well. Not many Little girls adapt as easily as you.”

“Thank you,” she murmured. It was difficult to talk with her cheek flattened to the mattress. It was hard enough trying to swallow her saliva so she didn’t drool, although she suspected some of it was running out onto the sheet.

“I know it’s awkward, but the doctor wants you to continue on this path for a while longer. He’ll wean you off the muscle relaxant when he thinks you’re ready.”

Theo continued to rub her back, basically giving her a massage. His hands moved to her thighs next, molding and squeezing gently. It felt so good. She wished he would never stop. Never leave.

Eventually, he carefully rolled her back and lifted her into his strong arms, supporting her head with one arm.

She felt helpless as he sat on the oversized rocking chair, cradling her in his arms. She loved being in his arms though, so she didn’t mind her immobility.

Theo rocked her, patting her diapered bottom while he did so. He smiled at her too. His other hand stroked her tummy and her arm. Eventually he settled one of his fingers in her palm. “See if you can grip my finger, sweetie,” he encouraged.

She managed to close her hand around his finger, but that was about it. It was something though. The medicine was wearing off slowly.

Did he hold her closer than necessary? Did he look more pleased than necessary? Was he staring into her eyes more than necessary?

Did he treat all the Little girls in The Center the same way he was treating her?

She didn’t know the answers, and she didn’t have the mental energy to ask. She needed to be careful about her infatuation, or she might end up getting hurt.

He’s not your Daddy. He’s not yours at all. He’s just a nice man who happened to be your neighbor and made this suggestion for you.

Theo kissed her forehead several times while he fed her and cuddled her for a while afterward too. He didn’t say much except to praise her for being such a good girl. He didn’t require conversation from her either. In fact, he popped her pacifier in after her bottle was empty.

It was probably for the best. When she had the pacifier, she found it easier to relax into her new life. The plug in her mouth took away her ability to communicate, allowing her to regress deeper.

Like he’d told the doctor, she preferred not being given any choices, and she was certainly living that truth. She had no options at all.

When she started drifting, Theo stood and carried her to the crib. She came awake during the transfer, already feeling sad that he would leave her. She wanted to know when he would come back, but he didn’t offer, and she was in no position to ask questions.

She’d almost forgotten about the medicine until he put on gloves and opened her diaper. He didn’t simply push the pill into her this time though. He penetrated her with a lubed finger first.

She whimpered and squirmed at first, the invasion to her private hole still foreign enough to make her struggle. But when he pushed his thumb into her vagina, she arched and moaned.

Had anything ever felt that good? She didn’t think so. Certainly no man she’d ever been with had taken the time to make sure she enjoyed herself. On top of that, the first two couldn’t have known she was Little inside and that she would have preferred some restraint.

Her last partner, Mark, had obviously been too self-centered to care enough about her needs or her pleasure.

Theo cared. Or was it his job?

He held her gaze while he rubbed her clit with one thumb and plugged her pussy with the other. All the while, he moved a finger in and out of her rectum.

Her eyes rolled back. She was grateful for the pacifier. She was also grateful for the lingering meds that kept her from having the ability to deny him. The combination of her inability to speak and her inability to fully control her muscles caused her arousal to shoot higher by the second.

Was it wrong to crave this kind of deep submission? Surely not. After all, she was living in a place where it was expected.

Nevertheless, she was still wrapping her mind around everything. The place. The regression. Her incontinence. The bottle feedings. And most of all Theo. It was maddening wondering what he was thinking and how he felt about her.