Annie’s cheeks heated.

Theo stroked her thigh. “No reason to be embarrassed. Lots of Little girls have sensitive boobies.”

She shuddered at the babyish word. It shoved her deeper into Little space.

When Dr. Farwell rounded to her other side, Theo exchanged places with him. He steadied her while the doctor examined her. “You’re doing so well, sweetie.”

She loved when he called her sweetie, but she feared it meant something to her that hadn’t occurred to him.

“Help her lie back for me,” Dr. Farwell declared after pinching her other nipple.

Her entire frame shook. She didn’t want to cry. This was something she wanted. To be Little. To enter this program where she would learn to be Little full time. It was a dream. If only she could skip the embarrassing exam part.

Nurse Kay stood at her head, and when Dr. Farwell lifted her arms above her head, Nurse Kay clasped her wrists.

Annie moaned and arched her chest. Her breasts felt heavier, and her pussy pulsed with need.

“She really likes to be restrained,” Theo informed them much to her mortification.

“You mentioned that on the phone,” Dr. Farwell responded.

Annie closed her eyes and tried not to think about everyone looking at her and talking about her. The thought that Theo had spoken about her to Dr. Farwell wasn’t shocking, but the idea of him sharing such an intimate detail made her quiver.

Theo set a hand on her belly, stroking her. “Let yourself relax, sweetie.”

That wasn’t possible, especially when Dr. Farwell put her legs up in stirrups and strapped them at her ankles and her thighs before also restraining her across her hips.

She was panting, the exposure causing her arousal to shoot higher. She twisted her head toward Theo. She wanted to say something, but she couldn’t come up with the words. She was overwhelmed.

Theo moved his hand out of the way so Dr. Farwell could examine her tummy. “Any issues with her bowel movements?”

Theo held her gaze while he spoke to the doctor about her intimate private bodily functions. “No. She’s been pretty regular since I started bottle feeding her.”

“And her bladder?” Dr. Farwell pressed against her bladder at that same moment, making her whimper.

“Not too many issues. She isn’t as eager to wet herself during the day, but she’s been wearing a diaper at night for a while, so she’s pretty good at letting her body relax at night. She prefers to be forced to comply with just about anything, so she might need some form of coercion at first, especially during the day.”

Dr. Farwell moved closer to her head and smoothed loose hairs back from her face. “You prefer to have your choice taken away, Little one?”

She nodded, unable to speak but unable to lie at the same time.

“Don’t worry. That’s not uncommon. We have a lot of means to help Little girls do what they’re told. I’ll give you some medicine for the first few days to help your body relax. Lots of Little girls adjust better under a strong muscle relaxant. It will keep you from having the strength to roll over or push to sitting, which helps a lot of Little girls get used to being an infant. At the same time, the medicine will make it difficult to control your bladder and bowels.”

She jerked against the restraints. The only reason she didn’t start flailing was because Nurse Kay had a firm grip on her wrists. Her nipples were so hard, and goosebumps rose all over her skin. The thought of receiving a medication that would cause her to lose control of her muscles was embarrassingly arousing.

What was wrong with her? Who wanted someone to restrain them and force them to wet themselves? Apparently she did.

Dr. Farwell proceeded to examine her breasts again from this flat position. She was more restrained than while she’d been sitting, so every touch felt more intimate.

He paid special attention to her nipples for so long she thought she might pass out from holding her breath. Eventually he moved to the end of the table between her legs. This shouldn’t have been a relief, but at least he wasn’t touching her sensitive nipples anymore.

Nope. He immediately parted her folds and pulled the hood back from her clit. She was so aroused by now that she moaned. There was no hiding the wetness and undoubtedly swollen clit.

“How much sexual experience do you have, Little one?”

She swallowed hard. “Some,” she whispered.

“How many partners, sweetie?” Theo asked, clarifying.

“Three,” she murmured.

“Have you had a pap smear lately?” Dr. Farwell asked.

“No, Sir.”

“I’ll do one really quick then.” He patted her inner thigh before he slid a speculum into her and opened it. Luckily, he didn’t take too long getting a swab, and then the speculum disappeared only to be replaced by his fingers. He pushed two inside her and felt around, pressing on her pelvis at the same time.