“I wouldn’t pay any rent?” It was hard to wrap her head around that. How did The Center stay open if no one paid for their stay?

“Nope. Expenses are covered by caregivers, donors, and the community.” He slid his hand up her body to stroke her cheek. “I’ve never met anyone I found more suited for The Nurturing Center than you, sweetie. I think you’d be an amazing fit. However, you do need to understand that placement at The Center is permanent. You would meet with Dr. Farwell and sign a waiver stating that you understand once you join the program you cannot change your mind.”

She shuddered. “That’s a huge commitment. You mean forever?”

“Yes. I will point out that the success rate in placing Littles in forever homes is unprecedented. Most Littles undergo an adjustment period when they doubt themselves, but eventually all of them find an inner peace and acceptance, never regretting their decision.”

“How do Littles get matched up with Daddies?”

“You would spend the first few weeks restarting your life as a newborn. When you’re ready, you would join the other Littles during the day in the main nursery area where potential caregivers come to visit and look for their forever Little. Dr. Farwell is amazing at helping pair people up in the perfect family unit.”

“That part sounds scary. What if no one wants me?” Her bottom lip started to quiver.

He smiled. “I’m certain that won’t happen, sweetie. Everyone eventually finds the perfect Daddy. Or Mommy.” He lifted a brow.

She frowned. “I don’t think I’d want a Mommy.”

“Then you’ll find a Daddy.”

She stared at him. He was the kindest man she’d ever met. He’d been the most perfectest Daddy she could have ever imagined all evening last night and this morning. He’d even stayed in her apartment so she wouldn’t get scared.

He’d said he didn’t have a Little girl. Could he be her Daddy?

She shook the idea from her head. She was far too shy to ask, and he hadn’t said anything about wanting to be her Daddy. Just because he was kind didn’t mean he wanted to keep her.

“What would happen to my things?”

“I can help you box up anything you want to keep, and The Center will put the boxes in storage for you to retrieve later.”

“You make it sound so easy.”

“It is. The Nurturing Center wants to ensure that every Little has a smooth transition. Dr. Farwell doesn’t want any Little worrying about her previous life.”

“Would I be Little all the time?”

“Yes, sweetie. All the time.” He leaned over and kissed her forehead.

She loved it when he did that. It made her feel cared for in a way she’d never experienced.

“I think I’d like that,” she admitted.

“I’d like you to take a few days to think about it and make sure it’s what you want because there’s no going back,” he warned.


He smiled. “Good girl. Now, let’s get you changed and fed. After that, I need to go into work for a while. You can take some time to think.”

“Okay,” she repeated. “Can I have pancakes?”

He chuckled. “Nope. You can have a bottle. I already fixed it. If you decide to join The Nurturing Center, your first few days will be easier if you’ve already switched to bottle feeding.”


He kept talking as he tugged the covers down her body and reached for the zipper on her jammies. “The formula will start to clean out your system. Most Littles end up needing an enema soon after arrival. You might be able to avoid that if you arrive without a tummy full of hamburgers and French fries.” He tickled her as he pulled her jammies down her body.

She giggled. “I like hamburgers and French fries.”

“I bet you do, but they aren’t good for you. The formula has a balance of nutritional ingredients to make pretty Little girls as healthy as possible.”

“So, I’d only drink formula? No other food.”

“Yep.” He tugged her jammies off her feet.

“For how long?”

“That’s up to your Daddy. Once you find your forever home, your Daddy will make all those decisions.” He removed her diaper next, leaving her naked.

She squirmed, covering her boobs on instinct even though he’d already seen every inch of her. “I wouldn’t get to pick my own foods?”

“Nope. Little girls don’t make those decisions. Daddies do,” he reiterated.

She glanced down at her tummy. “Do you think the formula would help me lose weight?” she asked softly.

Theo palmed her tummy and then leaned over to blow a raspberry against it like he had last night. “You’re perfect just the way you are, sweetie. All that matters is that you’re healthy.”

She frowned. Looks mattered too. She’d known that for years. Most men didn’t even glance her way because she was frumpy. Not that she cared. She wouldn’t want men looking at her anyway. The only kind of man she would ever be interested in would be a Daddy, and one didn’t usually pick up a Daddy at a bar or the office. They were unicorns.