Page 78 of Unexpectedly Yours

As soon as Josh planted his ass on the mattress, Caroline started to move.

She moved down his body and gently kissed the tip of his erection. He watched as her tongue swirled around the tip, and then she licked the shaft. Every once in a while she looked at him and pushed her hair back so he could see. Holy Mother of God. He was going to be her slave. That was it. He was done. When Caroline’s mouth closed around the head and the gentle pressure and pulling started, it almost made him go unconscious. She was very good at this and suddenly Josh was a big fan of research.


Josh sat at the head of the table in the Campbell Holdings conference room, waiting to hear what Mark Strickland and the new engineers that were assigned to his development project had to say. His friend Anton, the architect, was there in case the assessment passed muster and they could actually design something. It took everything Josh had not to lay Strickland out flat, but there was enough distance between him and Caroline that Josh didn’t see the need to break a sweat.

He had every intention of making Mark’s life a living hell whenever he could. And if Roberts and Michaels kept the contract for the development, and he wasn’t sure they would, he’d have lots of opportunity.

The fucking bastard was sitting there so smug, like he’d won, but honestly, Josh knew he had the best prize in Caroline.

He missed her like crazy and was looking forward to getting away. Once his meeting was over here, he had a few things to do, and then he and Jason were getting an afternoon plane out to the Vineyard. His father was due back tomorrow and Josh had everything set up so Dad couldn’t do too much damage while Josh was out of town the next week.

“So how do the tests look?” Mark asked.

Shane, who had been assigned to the project, flipped through the notes. “Most of the site looks fine. But there are some areas that need further investigation. The historical records show a foundry was present on the site, so there could be buried debris. Possibly contaminated.”

That was not what Josh wanted to hear, but it was good that he had pushed to have more tests done. This had possibly saved them a fortune.

“Sorry I’m late.” Josh turned around as his father entered the conference room. Not what he expected at all. “Dad. I thought you weren’t flying in until tonight.”

“No, last night. We were gone a month. That’s long enough for me to have to deal with your mother full time.”

The men at the table laughed, except for Josh. He’d love to take Caroline away someplace exotic for a whole month.

“So, like I said, sorry I was late. I was over at GRM taking care of some business.”

His father and Mark made eye contact, and Josh felt a sick wave in his gut. GRM was the company Caroline was going to. The company that had given her a hard offer a week earlier.

“Why were you at GRM?” he asked.

His father sat back in the big leather chair on the opposite side of the table and folded his hands in his lap. “I had to make sure they didn’t make a hiring mistake. The president of the company is a college friend of mine.”

The blue of Will Campbell’s eyes looked icy cold. Vindictive and cruel, and Josh knew Caroline had just been stabbed in the back. And by his family. After everything she’d gone through. She’d been highly sought-after when she put herself on the market, but one word from his bastard father and everything she’d worked for was gone.

“Tell me you didn’t do what I think you did. Please?”

His father chuckled like it was a joke. “I told an old friend that no matter what kind of degree you give a piece of trash, she would still be a piece of trash. Caroline Rossi should have shut her mouth and done what she was told.”

Josh heard the words, but he couldn’t quite process what had happened. Did people really do business like this? Did a person’s life mean so little? . “You ruined her career? She earned that position. She was more qualified than anyone.”

“The only position a woman like her has earned is the one where she’s flat on her back.” Will glanced around the table and then back at Josh. “I assume that’s how you know her best?”

Josh vaulted to his feet and lunged for his father. He was caught around the waist by Anton. “Josh, don’t.”

“You are such a bastard, Dad. I don’t know how you live with yourself. You don’t destroy someone on a whim. You just don’t.”

“In my world you do. You’ve never had the killer instinct, Josh. Hanging around Mike Rossi made you soft.”

Hearing him attack Caroline’s father was the last straw. Will Campbell had no morals, no soul. “Hanging around Mike Rossi and his family made me human. It made all of us human.”

Josh checked his watch. He wouldn’t see Caroline for hours. He had to talk to her before she got the call from GRM. Jesus, he hoped he wasn’t too late. He put the papers in front of him back in his portfolio and stepped away from the table.

“I’m out,” he said.

“Where are you going?” his father asked. “We’re not near done here.”

“I’m done. I quit. I can’t work with you.”