Page 82 of Unexpectedly Yours

Meg stood and looked at the two of them and all Josh wanted was to hold Caroline and cry. He felt her father’s loss so acutely at that moment that he didn’t know how he was holding it together.

That was the moment he knew he wanted to be a father like Mike Rossi.

“The boy Daddy wanted you to find for me, Meg, was Josh. It’s always been Josh. Just like it’s always been Jason for you. I don’t blame him for what happened. His biggest crime is exactly what Mom said. He wanted to be close to his parents. They aren’t worthy of his loyalty, but he is who he is.”

“I can’t get my head around it.” Meg rubbed her temples. “I mean it makes sense, but I don’t understand how none of us knew.”

Josh smiled and shook his head. “Meg, I didn’t know. But just like Caroline, my heart was blocked off; there was no one I thought about loving until she walked into my life again. Maybe before he passed, your father had one of those moments of clarity that helped him see things the way they should be.”

Meg nodded. “He told me I should forgive Jason. I didn’t think I ever would, but he must have known.” Meg drew the back of her hand across her eyes. She looked up at Josh, her green eyes full of questions and emotion, but it was only one question she asked. “You love her? You really love her?”

“With all my heart—with everything, Meg. I’m nothing without her.” He turned to Caroline. “I am so sorry for what my father did. I could handle him taking shots at me, but not you, and I’m so sorry. I’m divesting myself from the firm. I don’t want anything to do with them. I just want you.”

Caroline moved down the steps, but it was her sister who got to Josh first. He hugged his sister-in-law, accepting her forgiveness, and her blessing. It was almost as good as knowing Caroline loved him.

Meg stood by her mom and Caroline stepped into Josh’s arms. “I love you,” he whispered into her hair. “I think I knew that first night, but I couldn’t let myself believe it. I can’t believe I was so slow on the uptake.”

“It’s okay,” she said. “I’m very bright. I knew it all along.”


“All along.”


Caroline thought there were few things more perfect than a baseball game in June. Except maybe a baseball game in June when her brother was playing for her favorite team. She sat in a field box behind the home dugout and wondered what was taking Josh so long.

He and Jason had left the seats a half an hour ago in search of hot dogs and sausage and pepper heroes, which Caroline only ate at the ballpark. It was perfect. A beer, a hero and baseball. Oh, and her guy. Her guy was with her. That was perfect.

Molly jumped up from her seat and Meg grabbed her hand. “You know I always used to judge people who leashed their kids, but there’s something to be said for it in crowds; this is scary.”

“Daddy, what took you so long?” Molly asked. I’m starving!”

“Sorry, long lines.” He passed out hot dogs to Meg, Molly and her mother, and Caroline looked around for Josh. There was no sign of him.

“Where’s Josh?”

“Hunting down your sandwich,” Jason said. “All the vendors on this side were out.”

“He didn’t have to do that. I could have eaten a hot dog.”

“You know Josh, he doesn’t give up.”

Looking at everyone with them, Caroline smiled at the way things worked out. Three months ago, she never would have thought her life could have changed so much. She had her family back, and she had a great new job that gave her time to write and Will and Alicia Campbell were officially out of their lives. Things were pretty much perfect.

The team took the field in their white uniform pants and black jerseys. Her brother Kevin, new to the team, had been an instant fan favorite and was quite the heartthrob. Seeing the throngs of girls wearing his jersey and carrying marriage proposal signs would make for some fun conversations during the holidays.

“So, do you think Kevin enjoys being a matinee idol?” Meg asked her.

“Oh, hell no,” Caroline said. “He hates it.”

“Yeah, pretty much what I thought. It’s going to be so much fun torturing him with this.”

“You’re going to give your baby bad karma if you aren’t careful,” Caroline said.

Meg and Jason had just announced they were pregnant, and the baby was due on Valentine’s Day. Meg, of course, blamed all her insane moments on her hormones. No one in the family bought it.

“What is Uncle Josh doing on the field?” Molly asked.