Page 80 of Unexpectedly Yours

“It’s beautiful.” Caroline’s voice cracked and she took a breath to pull herself together.Shit.

Meg turned. “Carly? What’s wrong?”

“My job offer has been withdrawn. Apparently, I’m not suitable for the position.”

“I don’t understand. They loved you. What happened?”

“Not sure. I’m going to call Colleen and see what she’s heard, if anything. There was new information and they decided based on that.”

“But you don’t know what the information is?”

“No clue. I have no idea what or who wrecked my reputation.”

“Could it be your old boss?” Meg sat on the edge of the chaise and patted Caroline’s knee.

“I guess it could be, but that would be easy to find out, and considering the trouble we could cause for him I don’t know if he’d take the chance, not on his own.”

Caroline’s phone rang and she saw it was her friend from GRM. “Hey, Colleen.”

“Hey. Holy shit. I just heard they withdrew your offer. That sucks.”

“Do you know why it happened?” Caroline was looking for anything that might help her understand.

“Caroline, they said it was information from someone who knew the president. And he basically said he had it on good authority that you’re toxic and that no one at Roberts and Michaels was sad to see you go. Ah, what’s the name? Damn.”

“I’m toxic?”

“Oh, there were some lethal descriptors. You’re unethical, not a team player and you had inappropriate contact with a client. Oh, and breach of company security.”

It all sounded like Mark, but this felt strange. “And you don’t know who...”

“Campbell!” She shouted. “The guy’s name was Campbell. Does that ring a bell?”

Boy, did it. The Campbells struck again.

“Thanks, Colleen. I appreciate the help.”

“I’m really sorry, Caroline. I would have loved to work with you.”

“Not meant to be, I guess.”

Caroline finished the call and looked at her sister.

“Mark, right? I knew it was him,” Meg said.

“It was someone named Campbell.”

“What?” Meg stood and circled the space. “Crap. Josh is still under his father’s thumb. He let this happen to you. I knew we couldn’t trust him. He was always too close with his parents.”

Caroline stood. “I don’t think that’s fair, Meg. And you’re smarter than that. I’m going upstairs. I need to think.” What she needed a break from was Meg’s ranting about Josh. Right now, she wanted nothing to do with the Campbells, and locking herself in her room with a book for the day seemed like the best idea.

She never should have listened to him. Never should have ventured out of her comfort zone. Look where it had gotten her. Jobless and just another body left in Will Campbell’s wake.

* * *

Josh raninto the house and bolted through the kitchen, past Meg, Molly and Mrs. Rossi. He turned at the door to another room, frantic. “Where is she?”

“In her room,” Meg said. “Leave her alone.”