Page 65 of Unexpectedly Yours

He was right about that.

“I hate lying to Mom,” Kevin said. “I really hate it.”

“You won’t have to. Like Caroline said, we’ll tell her about us tomorrow.” Josh said.

Caroline leaned into him. “You’ll come with me?”

He nodded. “Your mother loves me.”

Someone was cocky. But it was the truth. Her mother always had a soft spot for Josh.

Caroline was still trying to wrap her head around all the changes. Kevin seemed fine now, even if he was a little grossed out. And what was Josh trying to do? What was the comment about her mother all about? She hadn’t freaked him out in the slightest with the boyfriend comment, either. Without saying anything, he’d made his intentions clear. They were together.

In this case actions spoke louder than words.

Josh rummaged in the island cabinets and came out with a large pasta pot. “Will this work for the spaghetti?”

Caroline nodded and Josh took the pot to the stove and started filling it with water from the pot filler over the back of the range. He and Kevin were talking about baseball and hockey, and Caroline enjoyed the banter between them That they were still close after all these years and nothing, not even Meg and Jason’s drama, had put a wedge in their friendship was a comfort. There may have been ups and downs, but in the end, Josh was the brother Kevin never had. It was a good thing for Josh, because Kevin would be a loyal ally. Her brother may not want to think about the particulars of what she and Josh did together, but as long as Caroline was happy, he’d be supportive.

Josh stepped next to her and when she glanced up she saw he was smiling, and then Kevin walked behind her on his way to the refrigerator and planted a brotherly kiss on her cheek. She felt his approval, his acceptance and it meant everything to her. There was something easy about the way the evening was unfolding and if Josh did engineer this, she had to wonder why.

She also had to thank him.

* * *

Josh didn’t wantCaroline to leave, but she was set on giving him time to hang out with Kevin. And while he couldn’t deny he wanted her to be with him for obvious reasons, he appreciated her willingness to step back and let him have time with his friend.

He walked her downstairs to wait with her until she was safely in a car. He watched her and it was clear she was thinking, and Josh had to wonder what was going on inside her head. “Are you pissed?”

Caroline kissed his cheek. “Not even a little. What was the point of this, though?”

What did he hope to accomplish? This thing between them was supposed to be simple. Easy. But it had become a lot more complicated because he cared about her more than he ever expected. She was important to him. “I wanted you to have someone in your family on your side. I know it’s been tough with Meg and your mom, and I knew Kevin would be more open-minded.”

Caroline didn’t say anything as they stood together under the streetlight. The neighborhood was still busy, and a number of people moved around them as Caroline took in one breath and then another. Josh thought she might be headed for a major freak-out, and he didn’t want to say anything to provoke her.

Josh watched her for... he didn’t know what for... until her eyes glistened. Shit. Tears. He messed up.

But without any warning, Caroline slid her arms around his waist and held him close. People were still around, still dodging them, and Josh pulled her in. His girl didn’t say anything, she just rested her head on his middle and cried. She cried and cried and Josh felt her emotion creep inside him.

“Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

Having been isolated when he was a kid because of his parents, and feeling the separation from his own siblings, Josh didn’t want Caroline to have any doubts about her own family. Her sister may have been as subtle as a tornado, but Josh knew that all Meg really wanted was for Caroline to be happy. However, he didn’t have any delusions about his sister-in-law. Letting her know that he and Caroline were trying out a relationship wasn’t going to go as well as it did with Kevin. And even though dinner had been easy, Josh suspected he was going to have some explaining to do once Caroline went home.

Caroline was still holding him. Her head barely reached his chest and Josh thought about all the energy packed in that little body. She had more brains, more fight than anyone he knew, but she was also vulnerable and what he really wanted to do was keep her safe.

His relationship with the Rossis was complicated on the best day because of the way things had unfolded between the families all those years ago, but bridges had been rebuilt and now it looked like he and Caroline might have a chance at something special.

Josh wondered again if he had it in him. If he could be the man she needed him to be. He wasn’t cold and unfeeling, but he’d been honest when he told her he wasn’t a relationship guy. He had a few close friends, and women were pleasant companions, but when he looked at Caroline now he saw forever.

She was his forever. How was he supposed to deal with that?

There were a thousand reasons for him to run from her. A thousand more for her to run from him, but they were attracted to each other. Polar opposites, drawn together.

A cliché to be sure, but things became clichés for a reason and that’s the only way he could think about his relationship with Caroline.

It happened for a reason.

She was the inexperienced one in the relationship, but only in one way. Josh had learned a lot from her in the short time they’d been together, but the most important thing she’d taught him was about having faith in someone. He never expected that. He thought he had everything all figured out.